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"PSYCHology-Based, Ascended Development of:
Products, Businesses, Cities, and Governments"
About Us
What This Business Does:
We are an advanced perspective PSYCHology-based, non-religious, but PSYCHic, 'KINGDOM OF HEAVEN'-oriented development company that:
- sells full project plans for
- educates on how to create
- gives advice on current
- finances our own projects for
ascended products, businesses, cities, and governments.
We focus on creating places with:
- no major PSYCHological human rights violations
- ascended PSYCHological intelligence and no Austigers Autism
- ascended life skills/behavior/morals
- no or less PSYCHic problems
- no or less PSYCHe problems
- fully developed and organized cities and governments with no homelessness, no unwanted unemployment, no forced PSYCHiatry, no harm to PSYCHics, belief in the PSYCHic realm, no PSYCHosocial problems, and more...
Our Explanation of Ascended:
(Information for this section will be added later.)
Why Our Ascended Development is Needed:
(Information for this section will be added later.)
Political Party of This Business:
The political party's ideology that we identify with is the advanced PSYCHology-based one called, 'Ascension Political Party,' which attempts to ascend the government, cities, businesses, people, and products to the most ascended level, so it is appropriate for all classes of people.
Our Business's Staff:
Our Staff:
We are currently seeking employees to work on commission. We are seeking staff with business degrees.
Owner & Creator:
Name: Melissa Kay Kinder
* She is a U.S.A., presidential-level and United Nations-level, advanced PSYCHological revolutionary PSYCHological advocate and activist!
* She is trying to:
- assist with major PSYCHological and other human rights violations (especially ones which the governments and the United Nations are not yet assisting with and are even ignoring, and which non-for-profit and for-profit businesses have not yet been created to assist with
- ascend the PSYCHological intelligence of the fields of PSYCHology and PSYCHiatry and the general public out of Austigers Autism (a term that she created), for they don't know what is wrong!
* She graduated with a bachelors in PSYCHology / Business Administration and studied advanced PSYCHology for many years independently.
* She is the creator of the product, business, city and government plans sold and financed by this business.
* She has many advanced PSYCHology-based work projects found online, including:
- another development business called 'Life Skill Divide Development'
- two political parties called 'Life Skills Divide Political Party' and 'Ascension Political Party'
- an elections business called 'Ascension Elections'
- many other political businesses
- many social businesses
- many educational books, including 'City Skills Ascension,' 'Government Skills Ascension, and 'Business Skills Ascension,' 'Life Skills Ascension,' and more....
- many PSYCHoautobiographical novels
- and more...

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