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"PSYCHology-Based, Ascended Development of:
Products, Businesses, Cities, and Governments"
Ascended City Plans for Sell:
Types of Cities:
These are charter cities with better legal systems and only upper level products, services, and businesses available. No middle or lower level products, services, or businesses are allowed.
Some cities are upper level in all fields.
Other cities are upper level in one or some fields.
They were created in order to fix or remove severe social problems that currently exist in some and/or all cultures around the world.
What We Offer:
* Legal systems * Government Structure & Quality * Businesses Allowed & their Organization * Architectural Designs of Businesses & the City * More...
Not told online
Advise on How to Ascend your City:
* How to better organize the city's businesses by life skills
* How to ascend government departments in quality at least as well as in current capitalism
* How to add businesses that are fully ascended
* How to tax based on ascension level
* More...
$500 / topic
Finance Our Own Projects:
Find Investors:
We attempt to finance many of the same city projects that we sell as city plans.
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