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Ascended Business Plans for Sell:
These are businesses that are fully ascended in quality. 
Types of Business: 
* Food & Drinks * Fitness * Fashion * Cleaning * Communications * Healthcare * Entertainment * Tourism * Transportation * Housing: Apartments & Hotels * Education * Sexual Procreation * Life Assistance * Life Education * Defense * More...
What We Offer:
We give you business plans for all fields of businesses: 
* Business Name, Slogan, and Logo * Interior & Exterior Design of Business * Location of the Business * Products & Services Needed * Who to Hire * Marketing & Advertising * What's on the Radio & T.V. * Communications of Employees * Uniforms * Architectural Design * Rules inside the business * Website development * More...
Not told online
Advise on How to Ascend the Quality of your Business: 

* How to ascend products, services, staff & clients, and all aspects of the of business in quality


* How to match staff (or ascend staff) to the ascension level or quality of the clients and the area of the city your business is in


* More...

$500 total

Finance Our Own Projects:


Find Investors: 


We attempt to finance many of the same business projects that we sell as business plans.

Copyright 2017-2023 Ascended Development

This website and business were created by Melissa Kay Kinder.

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