This Political Party and Website were Created By: Melissa Kay Kinder

Life Skills Divide
Political Party

"PSYCH-Based Division by Life Skills of the
GOVERNMENTS, Cities, Businesses, People & Products"
This is a PSYCHology-Based Political Party.
Colleges & Universities
* Not life skill dividing the college & universities by life skills / socioeconomic class and instead having everything of the lowest life skill / socioeconomic class (which it currently is) causes:
- lack of ascension in society for students
- students not understanding the hierarchy of class in society, but only the lowest class
- the wrong students ascending in society and succeeding in life properly
- students having the wrong jobs/careers for their natural aptitude
- the wrong life skills of the entire society / an un-ascended society / an austiger autistic society
- too many people in society ending up in PSYCHiatry, in prisons, or dead
- more...
Reform the Colleges & Universities
* Attempt to get the government to reform the colleges & universities according to this political party's ideology as seen in the section titled 'Businesses' below.
* Promote the creation of charter cities where:
- the education in colleges & universities is higher in life skills
Liberal Arts & General Education
* Liberal arts and general education requirements are wasting students' time and needs to end.
Specialized Bachelor's Degrees
* Need to specialize on actual majors early on in the bachelor's instead of wasting time and forcing students to get master's degrees that finally specialize. There are countries that have specialized bachelor's degrees and no masters or doctorate degrees. Even doctors in these countries only have a bachelor's degree.
No Practical, Real-Life, Work-Related Experience
* Not practical, real-life, work-related experience but books, mostly. Practical, real-life, work-related experience is needed.
Equal Uniforms for Males & Females
- have equal uniforms for male and female staff and students that are equal, so females' fashion is higher life skilled and not sexually harassing
Male Female Separation
- have male female separation
No General Education Requirements
- no general education requirements that are not fully related to their major or intended future career
No Low-Life Skilled Literature
- don't have lower life skilled literature as a part of their degree
More Career Focused
- are more career related or focused
Natural Employment Assessment
- give natural employment assessment forms to make sure that students study and graduate with the correct major
No Lower Life Skilled Sports
- don't have lower life skilled sports
Divide Students by Political Party
- have students of all the same political party or divide students by their political party
More Strict, Higher Life Skilled Rules
- are more strict (higher life skilled) in morals, while not religious
No Foreign Language Requirements
- ...
No Repeat of High School Courses
- ...
No Unnecessary Math Requirements
- ...
Better Entrance Exams
- entrance exams related to their intended major only and not based on unneeded math or unneeded English vocabulary that will never be used
- entrance exams that determine students' natural careers
Certificate Programs:
* More schools that offer short term certificate programs are needed, in every class of career field.
Discourage Grants / Scholarships / Loans
* Discourage people from giving or accepting grants, scholarships, loans, etc... for school because students with these are usually non-naturally there and have lower life skills than the other students.
Complain about Lower Life Skilled Curriculum
* Encourage people to rebel against and complain about the college and universities in terms of lower life skilled curriculum.