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* Not dividing the homeless by life skills / socioeconomic class as at lest they are found inside of capitalism causes:


- PSYCHic harm (as human bodies are connected to each other and capitalism keeps people divided so there is less PSYCHic Harm) to the middle and upper class homeless and the non-homeless locals surrounding the homeless

- PSYCHological trauma, depression, etc...





Create Homeless Stipend Department


* The government needs to create a homeless stipend department of the government and to give temporary homeless stipends to the homeless to get housed and employed,




the non-for-profit (and sometimes government) homeless shelters that currently exist:


Don't Divide Clients by Life Skills


- do not divide clients by their life skills as they are inside of capitalism


Treat All Clients like Low Life Skilled


- treat all clients like they are the lowest in life skills in society when clients are actually from every life skill class of society


Have Clients are Not from Area


- do not require that client lived, worked, studied, shopped, etc..  in the area before homelessness or even went homeless while in the area causing the wrong life skill class for the area to be in them

- are harming the life skill class and value of the surrounding areas


Harm Middle & Upper Life Skilled Clients


- causing the higher and middle life skilled people who could normally get back out of homelessness and back into society to stay homeless due to the lack of life skill divisions of clients


Higher & Middle Life Skilled People Refuse to Enter


- have higher and middle life skilled people who refuse to even enter them everywhere sleeping outside on purpose and not getting helped


No Separation from Religion


- are mostly religious with no separation from religion for the clients


Hire PSYCHology Degreed Staff & Treat Clients Like PSYCHiatric Patients


- often hire PSYCHology degreed people and treat the clients as if they are PSYCHiatrically diseased illogically


Stop Giving Grants


* The government needs to stop giving grants to and networking with and creating homeless shelters with the current non-for-profit homeless shelters because of the reasons above.


New Laws Needed for Non-for-Profits


* The government needs to create the following laws related to non-for--profit homeless shelters: 


Clients Must Be from Area


- their clients must have lived, worked, studied, shopped in the area and match the life skill class or socioeconomic class of the area in order to get employed in the area


Not Treat Clients Like Lowest Life Skilled


- they must not treat clients like they are all the lowest life skilled class of people in recreation, in job training and job boards, etc...


Not Force PSYCHiatry or Assume PSYCHiatric Diseases


-must not assume they are all PSYCHiatric patients or force PSYCHiatry on them in order for them to receive services


Must Life Skills Divide Staff & Clients


- they must provide life skill division of staff and clients the same as found within capitalism


Not Harm the Life Skills / Socioeconomic Class of Area


- not harm the life skill or socioeconomic value of the area with clients that are too low in life skills compared to the clients and workers of the for-profit businesses in the area


Staff Matching the Life Skills of the Area


- have staff equal to the life skill class of the workers in the for-profit businesses in the area and not lower


Create Government Homeless Shelters


* The government needs to create its own homeless shelters if they do not provide a homeless stipend and follow the same rules as the non-for-profit shelters should follow above.


Stop Mistreating the Homeless as Lower Life Skilled


* The government needs to stop treating the homeless like they are lower in life skilled as their reason for being homeless and instead realize


- all life skilled / socioeconomic classes of people go homeless, including the highest life skilled / socioeconomic classes that exist

- that their own government services are not yet developed sufficiently in order to help the homeless get out of homelessness to begin with.


Stop Mistreating the Homeless as PSYCHiatrically Ill


* The government needs to stop treating the homeless like they are 'mentally'/PSYCHiatrically ill as their reason for being homeless and instead realize that homeless people are homeless for every reason that can exist, not just PSYCHiatric reasons


Stop / Reform Current Housing Voucher Program


* The government needs to stop the housing voucher program (formerly called section 8) which pays 70% of their rent for clients to live in any life skill or socioeconomic class of area as they want.


This program currently:


- allows recipients to live in areas that are above their life skills and socioeconomic class, when capitalism divides people by life skills and socioeconomic class

- harms the life skill or socioeconomic class of areas they are in.


The government should instead:


- move them to areas that match their own life skill or socioeconomic class.

It needs to be reformed that people must live in certain areas equal to their life skills and socioeconomic class and where they lived before.


Monitor that the Outdoor Homeless are From the Area


* The government needs to monitor that the homeless sleeping outside actually:


- used to live, work, study, shop, etc.. in the area they are in

- went homeless while already in the same area non-homeless

- match the life skills / socioeconomic class of the for-profit businesses in the area that they are in so as to go back employed in the area


If not, then the government needs to remove them.


The homeless that weren't already in the area before going homeless are:


- destroying the life skill class and socioeconomic class and value of the area

- unlikely to go back employed and housed in the area


Teach Students How to Help People in All Fields


* The government needs to start teaching students in grade school how to help people in all aspects of life because helping people is a life skill. And the more ways that one knows how to help people, the higher their life skills in life assistance of others. Currently the government only teaches students to help in a couple of fields and not in all aspects of life. This will enable people to understand how to help the homeless more appropriately. Currently citizens are way too low in life skills in helping others to know how to help others, especially the homeless. Most citizens only know to give food and some know to give clothing, a blanket, hygiene, etc... And it is rare for people to give healthcare or to call the police. No or almost no citizens seem to know to get the homeless person housed, employed, with a government stipend, a law suit, political asylum, etc... This would insure that the homeless actually get helped in the future.


Treatment of the Homeless With Money


* Treat the homeless SSDI and government stipend recipients, who are homeless in order to save money or who say they are homeless because housing costs too much, as:


- lower life skilled in finding conservative, cheaper housing, such as:


- roommate situations

- housing in cheaper areas or in finding other cheaper resources.




* Promote the creation of new cities where:


Not Helping the Homeless is a Crime


- leaving people homeless is a crime, for helping people is a life skill.


No Homeless People Not from Area


- no homeless people are in areas that they did not live, work, study, or shop before or where they don't match the life skills or socioeconomic class of the area




Better Homeless Shelters Needed


* Promote the Creation of New for-profit and non-for-profit homeless shelters and centers that: 




- are not religious


Don't Treat Clients Like Druggies & PSYCHiatric Patients


- that don't treat homeless people like they have lower life skills, drug problems, or mental/PSYCHiatric illness. There need to be regular places created for the regular people who simply just have no current income because of lack of employment or whatever happened to them (like lost or stolen possessions).


Don't Treat Clients like Low Life Skilled Only


- don't treat their clients like they are all lower life skilled manual labors and at most customer service workers. Places are needed for the middle and upper class too that went homeless. 


Have Life Skill Divisions of Staff & Clients


- have life skill class divisions of staff and clients the same as in capitalism (the for-profit-businesses)


Clients from Area Only


- have rules that clients must have lived, worked, studied, shopped, etc... in the area before homelessness 


Have Higher Life Skilled & Life Skills Divided Recreation


- have higher in life skill class recreational activities than just lower in class ones and life skill divided recreational activities


- More...


* Promote the creation of specialized homeless shelters that divide clients by: 


- Actual Employment & Education Fields Background

- Natural Employment Fields

- All Life Skills Combined

- Healthcare Life Skills (like Nutrition and Fitness)




The Homeless with Money: Become Conservative


* Homeless SSDI and other government stipend recipients and low-income workers, need to be taught the life skill of finding roommates and cheaper housing locations. 


Increase Life Skills in Helping Others


* Encourage people to use or increase their life skill assisting others to assist the homeless. Too many people don't know how to assist others.


Complain about Lack of Life Skill Divisions


Homeless Shelter Clients


* Encourage homeless people to complain about the lack of life skill divisions inside the homeless shelters and the low life skills of the staff.


Non-Homeless People in Area of Homeless Shelter


* Encourage non-homeless people who live in the area surrounding a homeless shelter to complain about the harm to life skill  and socioeconomic value of the area they live in due to the homeless shelters which have clients who are not originally from the area, using the for-profits and have too low in life skills compared to their area. 



Copyright 2017-2023 'Life Skills Divide Political Party'

This political party and website were created by, and are owned and managed by, Melissa Kay Kinder.

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