This Political Party and Website were Created By: Melissa Kay Kinder

Life Skills Divide
Political Party

"PSYCH-Based Division by Life Skills of the
GOVERNMENTS, Cities, Businesses, People & Products"
This is a PSYCHology-Based Political Party.
New Laws Needed
* Change the laws so that:
Protection for PSYCHics from PSYCHiatry
- PSYCHics and people going through PSYCHic or paranormal experiences cannot be arrested into PSYCHiatry and forcibly put on PSYCHiatric drugs.
Less Strict Behavioral Laws
- some more liberal, less strict behavior to be allowed.
Women's Sexualized Fashion Made Illegal
- "women's sexualized fashion" to not be allowed.
Stricter and Less Strict Laws in Different Areas of Cities
- in some areas of cities to be stricter with laws (higher in life skills) and other areas of cities to be less strict with laws (lower in life skills) so people have a choice of what life skilled people to be around and so higher life skilled people have a place to live and work. Currently the laws are too intermediate and close to lower in life skills.
Government Divide Staff & Clients by Life Skills
- the departments of the government that provide services and products to the public (such as human services, PSYCHiatry, police, prisons/jails, etc...) divide their staff and clients based on life skills, at least as similar as capitalism divides people by their life skills
Life Skill Divide the Taxes
* Change the taxes so that they are life skill divided, such as:
Higher Taxes for those that Have Broken Law
- higher taxes for people, businesses, and products that break the current law. The more times they break the law, the higher their taxes
Higher Taxes for the Lower Life Skilled
- higher taxes for people, businesses, and products with lower life skills and lower taxes for people, businesses, and products with higher life skills
* Promote the creation of some cities:
Higher Life Skilled Legal System
- with more authoritarian, conservative, or stricter (higher life skilled) legal systems
Lower Life Skilled Legal System
- with more liberal, less strict (lower life skilled) legal systems in all areas of law.
Areas Divided with Higher-, Middle-, or Lower- Life Skilled Laws
- that are divided geographically by their legal systems with certain areas of the city for less strict (lower life skilled) laws, certain areas of the city for intermediately strict (middle life skilled) laws, and other areas of the city for more strict (higher life skilled ) laws.
Protection of PSYCHics from PSYCHiatry
- where PSYCHics and people going through PSYCHic or paranormal experiences cannot be arrested into PSYCHiatry and forcibly put on PSYCHiatric drugs.
Women's Sexualized Fasion is Illegal
- where "women's sexualized fashion" to not be allowed.
Life Sill Divided Staff in Government
- where the departments of the government and places forced by the government or acting like the government (such as human services, PSYCHiatry, police, prisons/jails, etc...) divide their staff and clients based on life skills, at least as similar as capitalism divides people by their life skills
Taxes Based on Life Skills Level
- taxes are lower for people, businesses, and products with high life skills and higher for people, businesses, and products with low life skills
All Business Types
* Promote the creation of all types of businesses that have:
Higher Life Skill Codes of Behavior
- stricter codes/rules (higher life skills) for behavior than the government's laws and most businesses because people higher in life skills with law/behavior need a place to go.
Lower Life Skilled Codes of Behavior
- for more liberal, less strict behavior than most businesses
Life Skills Divided
- life skill divided products, services, staff, and clients
No Women's Sexualized Fasion Allowed
- for "women's sexualized fashion" to not be allowed.
Regular Doctor's Offices & Hospitals
No Forced PSYCHiatry
- Promote the creation of regular doctor's offices & hospitals where forced PSYCHiatry is not allowed.
Life Skill Divided Staff & Clients
- Promote the creation of regular doctor's offices & hospitals that life skill divide staff and clients (especially by their health-related life skills)
PSYCHiatrc Businesses
Protection to PSYCHics
- Promote the creation of PSYCHiatric businesses where PSYCHics and people going through PSYCHic or paranormal experiences cannot be forcibly put on PSYCHiatric drugs. PSYCHic ability and awareness are high life skills.
No Forced PSYCHiatry &/or No Forced PSYCHiatric Drugging
- Promote the creation of PSYCHiatric businesses where forced PSYCHiaty and forced PSYCHiatric drugging is not allowed. Currently, PSYCHiatry and its workers are low life skilled, and are not of natural sufficient authority to force themselves on anyone, especially the middle and upper life skilled people.
Life Skill Divided Recreation
- the staff and clients, plus recreational materials and activities are divided by life skills.
Follow Higher Life Skilled Laws
* Encourage people to follow stricter laws than their governments' laws because the governments' laws are not of the highest life skills.
Demand that:
* Encourage people to demand that:
PSYCHic Be Protected from PSYCHiatry
- PSYCHics and people going through PSYCHic or paranormal experiences cannot be arrested into PSYCHiatry and forcibly put on PSYCHiatric drugs.
No Forced PSYCHiatry
- people not be forced into PSYCHiatry or onto PSYCHiatric drugs
Lower Life Skilled Behavior Be Allowed
- some more liberal, less strict, lower life skilled behavior to be allowed.
Women's Sexualized Fasion Not Be Allowed
- "women's sexualized fashion" to not be allowed.
Areas of Cites for High, Middle, & Low Life Skill Laws
- in some areas of cities to be stricter with laws (higher in life skills) and other areas of cities to be less strict with laws (lower in life skills) so people have a choice of what life skilled people to be around and so higher life skilled people have a place to live and work. Currently the laws are too intermediate and close to lower in life skills.
Life Skill Division in the Government
- the departments of the government or places forced by the government (such as human services, PSYCHiatry, police, prisons/jails, etc...) divide their staff and clients based on life skills, at least as similar as capitalism divides people by their life skills
Taxes Based on Life Skills Levels
- taxes be life skill divided, such that taxes are higher for people, businesses, and products which:
- break the current law
- have lower life skills
Life Skills Divide Healthcare & PSYCHiatric Businesses
- regular doctor's office & hospitals & all PSYCHiatric businesses be created with rules/codes of:
Life Skills Divide Staff & Clients
- mandatory life skill division the staff, clients, and
Life Skills Divide Recreation
- recreational materials & activities by life skills