This Political Party and Website were Created By: Melissa Kay Kinder

Life Skills Divide
Political Party

"PSYCH-Based Division by Life Skills of the
GOVERNMENTS, Cities, Businesses, People & Products"
This is a PSYCHology-Based Political Party.
Employment Assistance for All Life Skill Levels
* Change the governments':
- employment training programs
- and employment advertised on its unemployment/employment department website
to be for all life skill levels of people and not just for the lowest. The government mostly assists with manual labor jobs and not middle- or upper- class ones. Not everyone needing employment assistance is a lower life skilled person.
Remove Street Beggars from Areas they Did Not Work, Live, Etc..
* Remove street beggars (street begging is a form of employment) from areas where they did not or were not:
- live in for-profit housing (hotels included)
- work/study
- a victim of crime (possessions stolen) while shopping in that area that caused them to need to street beg
An exception can be made if they match the life skills of the area sufficiently to re-enter housing & work or school there. Too many ​street beggars that did not live or work or in the area before don't match the life skills of the area.
Stop SSI & SSDI Recipients from Street Begging
* Stop street beggars with SSI, SSDI and other government stipends from begging and teach them the life skill of conservatism and survival on low income.
* Promote the creation of cities and areas of cities with:
- zero unemployment of people who want to be employed
- life skill / employment divided unemployment services
- no street beggars in areas they are not from
- no SSDI street beggars who don't know how to live conservatively
New Employment Assistance Businesses
* Promote the change of and the creation of new employment assistance businesses, especially for the unemployed homeless with:​
Better Employment Assessment
- better employment assessment and placement for every career field, especially places for people completely homeless and unemployed
Business Start-Up Assistance
- with assistance to start a business, for the people life skilled enough to do so
Programs for All Life Skills & Employment, & Divided
- programs for all life skill and employment classes (upper, middle, and lower) but divided and not just for the lower, like they currently are. Current employment assistance programs for the homeless are for manual laborers with no university degrees. And too many unemployed homeless have middle and upper life skills and came from upper and middle class employment, having PhD's, Master's degrees, and bachelor's degrees. ​​
Help the Unemployed Get Employed
* Encourage people to help unemployed people get employed in their own original socioeconomic class, especially by helping them in a for-profit way.