This Political Party and Website were Created By: Melissa Kay Kinder

Life Skills Divide
Political Party

"PSYCH-Based Division by Life Skills of the
GOVERNMENTS, Cities, Businesses, People & Products"
This is a PSYCHology-Based Political Party.
Security Cameras
Lower Taxes for People with Security Cameras
* Taxes should be lower for people who have security cameras.
Security Cameras in Outdoor Public Locations
* Promote the creation of cities with security cameras on all outdoor government property such as sidewalks, roads, and parks.
Security Cameras in Private Places
* Promote the creation of cities or areas of cities with security cameras in private places for people with higher security-related life skills to live and work by choice.
Security Camera Businesses
* Promote the creation of more security camera-type retail businesses.
Have Security Cameras
* Convince people to have security cameras inside their homes and on their body when outside their homes so that they can prove if crimes did or did not happen and by who. Having a security camera is a security-related life skill.