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PSYCHoactive Legal Nonprescription Drugs










* Stop some of the police from thinking that all alcohol consumption is bad, when alcohol is not even illegal. There are police officers who falsely think that alcohol consumption is bad.






* Stop PSYCHiatry from telling their clients that all alcohol consumption is bad, and instead have them know and tell that:


- alcohol is not illegal

- there are multiple styles of drinking, including: authoritative, conservative, moderate, liberal, and anarchist

- all socioeconomic classes of people drink alcohol, including the upper class and leaders of the nation and world

- alcohol is a good, non-prescription sedative, if used properly






Less Strict Alcohol Laws


* Promote the creation of cities or city areas where non-drunken alcohol consumption outdoors, like on sidewalks and parks is legal.




PSYCHiatric Businesses




* Promote the creation of PSYCHiatric businesses that don't think and tell their clients that all alcohol consumption is bad, and instead have them know and tell that:


- alcohol is not illegal

- there are multiple styles of drinking, including, authoritative, conservative, moderate, liberal, and anarchist and only liberal and anarchist drinking are bad

- all socioeconomic classes of people drink alcohol, including the upper class and leaders of the nation and world

- alcohol is a good, non-prescription sedative, if used properly


Coffee & Energy Drinks


Vending Machines


* Promote that vending machines with coffee and energy drinks be placed into PSYCHiatric hospitals like regular hospitals have. People should not be kept from drinking coffee or energy drinks just because they are in PSYCHiatry. Just because someone is in PSYCHiatry does not mean that they have a problem with coffee or energy drink consumption.


Provide Energy Drinks with Breakfast


* Promote that PSYCHiatric hospitals also provide energy drinks to patients and not just coffee, with their breakfasts. All patients are forced to pay for their hospitalization, and they should be able to drink what they normally drink.


Bars & Nightclubs




Life Skill Divided Drinking


* Promote the creation of bars and nightclubs which life skill divide clients by their drinking styles of authoritative, conservative, moderate, and liberal.






* Make sure that people know that have that:


- alcohol is not illegal (in most countries)

- there are multiple styles of drinking, including: authoritative, conservative, moderate, liberal, and anarchist

- all socioeconomic classes of people drink alcohol, including the upper class and leaders of the nation and world

- alcohol is a good, non-prescription sedative, if used properly




Make sure that people know that have that coffee healthy if drank authoritatively and conservatively.


Energy Drinks


Make sure that people know that have that energy drinks are healthy if drank authoritatively and conservatively.



Copyright 2017-2023 'Life Skills Divide Political Party'

This political party and website were created by, and are owned and managed by, Melissa Kay Kinder.

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