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Housing in General:

(Non-Homelessness Issues)





Stop Voucher Program


* Stop the housing voucher program (formerly called section 8) which illogically helps people by paying 70% of their rent. The government should instead move them to: 


- lower income neighborhoods

- to smaller housing

-  to shared housing (with roommates or housemates)

- to smaller towns with cheaper rent

- to areas with locals matching their own life skills & socioeconomic class


This program allows recipients to live in areas that are very often above their life skills and socioeconomic class, and it very often destroys the life skill and socioeconomic class of the areas they place voucher people in, causing PSYCHic harm to the locals to the area (as human bodies are PSYCHically connected to each other, sharing of health and life skills) and also PSYCHological trauma, distress, shock, etc... to the locals of the area. Capitalism divides people by life skills naturally, and this housing voucher program stops the natural life skill divisions which are found in capitalism, allowing people with lower life skills to be in higher life skilled areas unnaturally.​




Conservative Housing Size


* Promote the creation of new cities with more conservative size housing for all people's income levels and in every area of the city, giving people a place to live that is cheaper.




Smaller Housing


* Promote the creation of new housing units with much smaller living space. These can include micro-apartments, bunk bed shared apartments and hotels, etc... giving people a place to live that is cheaper.


Life Skills Divided Housing


* Promote the creation of for-profit housing businesses, such as apartment complexes and house subdivisions, that divide people by various life skills.




Conservative Housing


* Encourage people to seek housing which is conservative, like roommate and housemate living situations, especially people on SSDI checks. 




Copyright 2017-2023 'Life Skills Divide Political Party'

This political party and website were created by, and are owned and managed by, Melissa Kay Kinder.

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