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The United Nations declares that forced PSYCHiatry is torture, inhumane, and illegal.




* Not dividing the PSYCHiatric centers, especially forced PSYCHiatric Wards, by life skills / socioeconomic class as at least they are found inside other places in capitalism causes:


PSYCHic harm (as human bodies are connected to each other and capitalism keeps people divided so there is less PSYCHic Harm) 

PSYCHological trauma, depression, etc...

- PSYCHiatric malpractice





Stop Forced PSYCHiatric Healthcare 


* No PSYCHiatric arrests or forced PSYCHiatric drugs allowed because: 


Life Skills Education is Too Low


- the life skills education / counseling given in PSYCHiatry is extremely low in life skills and worse than middle- and upper- class people's life skills 


Don't Understand PSYCHic Realm


- PSYCHiatry and PSYCHiatric staff don't understand the PSYCHic realm and how human bodies are connected PSYCHically and are affected by each other. It even calls people diseased and delusional for talking about PSYCHic issues and then makes the person non-PSYCHic. 


Negative Side Effects of the PSYCHiatric Drugs


- the PSYCHiatric drugs permanently damage people's bodies giving severe neurological disorders which can cause death and lowering their life skills (such as communication, movement, social intelligence and awareness, emotional intelligence and empathy, PSYCHic abilities and perception, and more). Plus, there is no antidote to these poisons.


Too in Low-Life Skilled Recreational Activities


- the recreational activities and materials provided and forced are the absolute lowest in life skills of activities that exist on earth. Clients' quality of life decreases significantly unless they were the lower in class in all activities.


Too Low in Life Skills Staff


- staff are lower in life skills and class than the staff found inside of capitalism (the for-profit businesses)


No Life Skills Division of Staff & Clients


- there is no life skill division of staff or clients as there is inside of capitalism


No Separation from Religion


- there is often no separation from religion in many forced psychiatric facilities


No Male-Female Separation


- there is no separation of males from females (with staff and clients) even when the patient asks for only their own biological sex


No Access to Computers or the Internet


- patients have no access to computers or the internet decreasing the quality of their lives because staff treat the patients as if they are too low in life skills to be allowed to use such devices on their own 


No Private Phones


- no private phones with all patients in a PSYCH ward required to share the same phone, which is sometimes a payphone


No Medical Tests Used as Proof for Diseases


- staff are often too low in life skill to understand that there are no medical tests to even prove that the patients have a PSYCHiatric disease and staff are often too low in life skills in order to assess patients subjectively


Don't Know that PSYCHiatric Diseases Can Be Fixed without Drugs


- the ability to fix PSYCHiatric diseases without pharmaceutical drugs can be done and is a life skill


- More...


If there is Forced PSYCHiatry, then Make Laws that PSYCHiatric Facilities...


And if healthcare arrests and forced healthcare is still allowed, then make laws that the facilities must have the following qualities: 


Separation from Religion


- provide separation of religion from services


Male-Female Separation


- provide male-female separation of staff and clients


Life Skill Divided Therapy / Counseling


- provide upper life skilled quality of group and individual therapy, or life skill divided based on the client


Life Skill Divide Staff & Clients


- life skill division of staff and clients the same as in capitalism


Life Skill Divided Recreation


- provide life skill level of recreation that is equal to the clients and not lower


Clients from Area Only


- accept clients only who lived, work, study, shop, etc.. in the area of the PSYCHiatric facility so that they have the same life skill class as in capitalism


Staff Matching Life Skills of Area


- make sure that staff have the same life skill class as the staff in for-profit businesses surrounding the PSYCHiatric facility


No Forced PSYCHiatric Drugs


- no forced pharmaceutical drugs, especially ones with long term or life-long harmful neurological side effects


Access to Computer & Internet


- constant individual access to computer and internet and not treat clients like they are too low in life skills to function with the rest of the world


Access to Private Phone


- access to a private phone


Understand the PSYCHic Realm


- have an understanding that human bodies are connected to each other and their environment all over their bodies and affected by other people and their environment in their own health and that people are PSYCHic and can communicate PSYCHically and help or harm other people's bodies psychically


Don't Harm People Experiencing the PSYCHic


- do not harm PSYCHic people or people experiencing the PSYCHic realm by falsely diagnosing them as PSYCHotic when being PSYCHic and PSYCHically aware is a life skill and not being PSYCHic or PSYCHically aware is lower in life skill


- More..​​​


Stop PSYCHiatric Arrests of the Homeless & Unemployed


* Stop false PSYCHiatric arrests of:


- homeless people, for just being homeless

- unemployed people, for just being unemployed




They Come from Every Life Skill / Socioeconomic Class


- Homeless and unemployed people are being treated like they do not have the life skills to provide for themselves and work, when they come from every life skill and socioeconomic class


Every Reason Exists for their Situation


- People are homeless and unemployed for every reason that could possibly exist and not just because of PSYCHiatric illnesses


Government is Non-Developed to Help


- The government is non-developed sufficiently to help them (Examples: (a) many of the do not qualify for an unemployment stipend because of the government's fault and (b) many have non-PSYCHiatric diseases which keep them from working and the government is not yet helping them at all or taking too long to help).​


Increase Knowledge of Government about PSYCHic Components of Healthcare: 


* The governments must learn that:


Some Diseases are Caused from Humans PSYCHically Connected


- human bodies are PSYCHically connected to each other and affected by each other with every disease, not just some diseases and that the current healthcare education and system needs to be fixed based on their knowledge.​


Some People are PSYCHic


- people are PSYCHic, though not all. And PSYCHiatry and PSYCHiatric education needs to be fixed based on this. 


Life Skills are Shared PSYCHically


- when you place a person around high life skilled people, that person's body improves in health and life skills and when you put a person around lower life skilled people, that person's body decreases in health and life skills.  Health and Life skills are shared. ​


PSYCHic People PSYCHically Destroy & Heal Others' on Purpose


- there are people walking around purposely destroying or stealing other people's health and life skill levels and also improving the health and life skill levels of others. ​


People Get PSYCHically Possessed


- actual people and other entities do PSYCHically possess other people just like 'demons' or 'god' is thought to in religions and ghosts, technology, etc... do in sci-fi and fantasy movies and tv shows.


Start Protecting PSYCHics


* Create laws where PSYCHics and people going through PSYCHic experiences are protected from PSYCHiatry just as religious people are (& in the constitution)


Stop Anti-PSYCHotics: 


* Giving anti-PSYCHotics to people who are PSYCHic, becoming PSYCHic, affected by PSYCHic people, or affected by other people's bodies PSYCHically, needs to end....


Make Illegal Anti-PSYCHotics & PSYCHiatric Drugs with too Harmful of Side Effects


* Anti-PSYCHotics are not only giving diseases as side effects but also decreasing people's life skills such as: communication (reading, writing, and speaking), movement ability, concentration, academic ability, social intelligence and awareness, emotional intelligence and empathy, PSYCHic ability and awareness, etc...) 


Fix Government PSYCHiatric Healthcare Stipends: 


* The government needs to:


Stop Giving Stipends to People who Look & Act Like they Can Work


- not give PSYCHiatric healthcare stipends to people who appear and act like they can be hired and work without being fired (or have high enough life skills to be hired and not get fired) but only give the stipends to people who appear and act like they cannot be hired and work without being fired (or have too low in life skills to be hired and stay hired)


Stop Giving Stipends to People Pretending to Have a PSYCHiatric Disease


- stop giving stipends to people pretending to be sick, knowing that there is biomedical no proof required for PSYCHiatric disease diagnosis


Life Skill Divide the Taxes: 


​Businesses, Services, & Products​


* Tax higher businesses, services, and products that harm or are more likely to harm people's PSYCHiatric (or emotional) health 


Pharmaceutical Drugs


* Tax higher pharmaceutical drugs that give side effects that resemble PSYCHiatric diseases




* Tax higher people who have unhealthy or dangerous lifestyles that could more likely lead to PSYCHiatric (emotional) disorders.​




Increased Knowledge of PSYCHic Realm


* New cities need to be created where:


- PSYCHiatry and other healthcare fields understands (1) that people's bodies are connected to each other in all healthcare problems not just in some and (2) that people are actually PSYCHic



Because understanding the PSYCHic realm is a life skill and current PSYCHiatry does not understand anything on the PSYCHic realm believing the PSYCHic realm to be PSYCHosis when it is in fact not.


Protection to PSYCHics


* New cities need to be created where:


- people are allowed to talk about the PSYCHic realm and experience the PSYCHic realm in ways unrelated to the Christian religion and not be falsely arrested into and forced into PSYCHiatry, not be falsely diagnosed with PSYCHosis, and not be falsely drugged with anti-PSYCHotics.


- people being attacked on the PSYCHic realm are not falsely called "mentally" ill by PSYCHiatry and other healthcare workers


Because being PSYCHic is a life skill and current PSYCHiatry does not understand anything on the PSYCHic realm believing the PSYCHic realm to be PSYCHosis when it is in fact not.


No Forced PSYCHiatry


* New cities need to be created where:


- there are no PSYCHiatric arrests or force PSYCHiatric drugs against people's will. 



because PSYCHiatry and its staff are too low in life skills and are harming people.


Anti-PSYCHotics are Illegal


* New cities need to be created where: 


- anti-PSYCHotics are illegal, for the most part


because these drugs are:


- killing people


- giving people severe neurological diseases


- lowering people's life skills


- often given to people:


- with higher life skills than staff 

- without PSYCHosis or any PSYCHiatric disease




- staff and PSYCHiatry are too low life skilled to understand people higher in life skills than themselves

- there is no medical proof of this disease.


Life Skill Division of All PSYCHiatry


* New cities need to be created where:


- inside PSYCHiatric hospitals and doctor's offices the staff and clients are divided by their level of life skills in taking care of their health and in other life skills inside of PSYCHiatric hospitals


because they currently are not and too many patients are being harmed by lower life skilled staff and services than themselves. 




Changes Needed in Current PSYCHiatric Businesses: 


* Promote the changing of current PSYCHiatric hospitals such that: 


Life Skill Divide Staff & Clients


- divide the staff and clients by life skills levels, or level of ascension inside of capitalism, or at least by healthcare related life skills so no client in healthcare has a healthcare provider with lower in class healthcare life skills than the worker assisting them with healthcare


Understand the PSYCHic Realm


- understand that people are PSYCHic and that their bodies are 'PSYCHically' connected and that being PSYCHic is a life skill and not PSYCHosis


Provide Computers & Internet Access


- provide computers and private individualized internet access for recreation, communications, education, and employment activities instead of isolating them from the world that they were in before and decreasing the quality of their lives and treating them like they are the lowest in life skills or too low in life skills to be allowed freedom and individuality of activities and access to the outside world. 


Life Skill Divide Recreational Activities


- provide life skill (class) divided recreational activities when people are placed in groups with different life skill levels of recreation & options for higher in life skill recreational activities equal to their own life skill level of recreation. Because psychiatric hospitals inhumanely offer only the lowest in recreational activities that exist on earth and have no life skill divisions for people with different life skill levels in recreation. ​


New PSYCHiatric Businesses Needed


* Promote the creation of new PSYCHiatric hospitals which: 


Understanding of the PSYCHic


- understand that people are PSYCHic, that people's bodies are connected and affected by each other with all health problems and not just some


Life Skills Divide Staff & Clients


- health-related life skill divide the staff and clients (like by nutrition, fitness, etc..)

- life skill divide the staff and clients in all aspects of life


Male-Female Separation


- have men and women separated, both the staff and the patients.


Don't Force PSYCHiatric Drugs


-  do not force any PSYCHiatric drugs on clients


Life Skill Divide the Recreational Activities


- have the option of middle and higher in class recreational activities and materials, and not just lower and which are also life skill divided


Provide Computers & Internet Access


- allow individualized computers and internet access and not pretend that the patients are too low in life skills to be allowed such access


Provide Private Phones


- private phone access


Separation from Religion


- have separation from religion


Clients from the Area Only


- have the policy that a client must live(d), work(ed), or go(went) to school, or got injured in the for-profits in the area surround the psychiatric facility, so as they match the life skill class of the area


Don't Turn Voluntary Clients into Involuntary


- don't turn patients into involuntary patients when they entered voluntarily ​


Have Multiple, Smaller Locations in Lower-, Middle-, & Upper- Life Skilled Areas of City


- have multiple smaller locations in lower, middle and upper class / life skilled areas of a city


Staff Matching Life Skills of the Area


- have staff that match the life skill class of the workers in the for-profit businesses in the area and not be lower in life skills than them​


Side Effects of PSYCHiatric Drugs Neurological Doctor's Offices Needed


* Promote the creation of neurological doctors office's which diagnoses neurological diseases which are a side effect of PSYCHiatric drugs without misdiagnosing side effects of PSYCHiatric drugs as PSYCHiatry


New Anti-PSYCHiatry Law Offices Needed


* Promote the creation of law offices which lawsuit PSYCHiatric facilities, other healthcare facilities that gave PSYCHiatric drugs or forced PSYCHiatry, and PSYCHiatric drug companies for:


- decreasing of patients life skills from the negative neurological side effects of the PSYCHiatric drugs (like decreasing the patients ability to communicate via reading, writing, and speaking; decreasing the patients' ability to concentrate and focus; decreasing the patients' academic ability; decreasing the patients' ability to move with movement disorders; decreasing the patients emotional intelligence and empathy; decreasing the patients social intelligence and social awareness; decreasing the patients PSYCHic abilities and perception; etc...)

- PSYCHological harm from the too low in life skills recreation and quality of life and the lack of life skill division in recreation and other aspects of life

- PSYCHological and physical harm from too low in life skills of staff and other clients around them compared to as in capitalisms and the lack of life skill division of staff and clients as in capitalism

- harming higher life skilled PSYCHics pretending that the life skill of PSYCHic abilities and awareness is PSYCHosis when it is not and not knowing that lack of PSYCHic abilities and awareness is lower life skilled. 


New PSYCHiatric Consulting Businesses Needed


* Promote the creation of new businesses which consult PSYCHiatric businesses and the PSYCHiatric healthcare departments of the government based on our principles are needed. 


New Elections Companies Needed


* Promote the creation of new elections companies are needed which have our ideology on PSYCHiatry.


New Anti-PSYCHiatry Advocacy Non-for-Profits Needed


* Promote the creation of more non-for-profits with our ideology going against PSYCHiatric businesses and businesses forcing PSYCHiatry are needed.




Advocacy Against PSYCHiatry 


*  Encourage people to


- protests against PSYCHiatry

- join organizations which are anti-PSYCHiatry

-study the PSYCHic realm




* Promote the creation of drugs which are:


- antidotes to every PSYCHiatric drug (especially anti-PSYCHotics)


- PSYCHiatric drugs with less horrible and deadly side effects


 - PSYCHic realm-based PSYCHiatric drugs, that are based on the fact that human bodies are PSYCHic, are PSYCHically connected to each other and their environment, and affected and manipulated PSYCHically from their environment (and not with the assumption that everything is just from an illness in the mind) and label them as such




Copyright 2017-2023 'Life Skills Divide Political Party'

This political party and website were created by, and are owned and managed by, Melissa Kay Kinder.

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