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Teach 'Small Talk' in Schools


* Conversation (small talk) skills need to be taught better in government schools


Improve Government Workers' Conversation Skills


* The government workers need to improve their communication skills with their clients, making what they speak related to their services only. They must stop saying, "How are you?" instead of "What services can I assist you with today?," "How are our services today?" or "Are you finding everything that you need or would you like any help?" There is no reason to ask the state of a client personal feelings instead of talking to them as a client only. There are actually government workers that force clients to respond to them as, "I'm fine, thank you, how are you?" for no logical reason and then mistreat clients as if the client has a communications disorder when they don't, but the worker. (We realize that it is not just the government that has this problem, but many businesses as well. But not all businesses have this problem.) 




Conversation Center Businesses


* The creation of conversation center businesses for people to practice or spend time in the recreation of conversation, instead of people sitting in restaurants eating or drinking and having conversations, is needed. No businesses yet exist for people to simple sit and have conversations.




Learn How to Have Better Conversation


* Too many people have a problem with basic conversation and need to learn how to have a better conversation.  




Better Products for Learning Conversation


* New and better products like educational books and C.D.s that teach people to have a basic conversation in their own language, not just in a foreign language, are needed.



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