This Political Party and Website were Created By: Melissa Kay Kinder

Life Skills Divide
Political Party

"PSYCH-Based Division by Life Skills of the
GOVERNMENTS, Cities, Businesses, People & Products"
This is a PSYCHology-Based Political Party.
Government Stipend Offices
Government Stipend Offices Include:
- Department of Health & Human Services
- Department of Social Services
- Social Security Agency
- Medicaid & Medicare
- Department of Housing & Urban Development
- Department of Unemployment
- more....
* Not dividing the staff and clients of government stipend offices by life skills / socioeconomic class at least as much found inside of capitalism or in the surrounding for-profit businesses, causes:
- PSYCHic harm (as human bodies are connected to each other and capitalism keeps people divided so there is less PSYCHic Harm) to the middle- and upper-class clients and the non-client locals surrounding the government stipend offices
- PSYCHological trauma, depression, etc...
Life Skill Divide the Government Stipend Offices
* The government stipend offices need to:
- place branches of each of these departments in every area of the city, not just in the lowest life skilled area of the cities. People who live and work in middle- and upper- class areas also need assistance.
- life skill divide staff and clients to be the same as what is found within capitalism (the for-profit business world).
- remove religion from their services
- require that people live, work, or study in the same area of the city before in order to receive services, so that people receiving services are around similar life skilled people as they are around in for-profit businesses in the area and so that the area surrounding the government are not devalued by the government building
- hire staff who are of equal life skills as the for-profit workers in the surrounding area
- not reverse racially discriminate when hiring employees
Life Skill Divided Government Stipend Offices
* Promote the creation of cities that have government stipend offices which are life skill divided.
Complain about the Government Stipend Offices
* Encourage people to complain about the government stipends offices and programs.