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Natural vs. Unnatural

Employment Issue





​Education System


Degrees People Graduate With


​* Control the education system better so that people don't graduate with degrees in fields they don't have the life skills to work in naturally


Life Skills Related to Employment


 â€‹* Control the education system so that students are taught life skills related to employment, especially in the employment field they will have in the future


Knowledge of Natural Employment


​* Control the education system so that students and their teachers know the students' natural employment fields


Division by Natural Employment


​* Control the education system so that students are divided by their natural future employment fields


* More...




Cities with People in their Natural Employment


* Promote the creation of cities where:


- employment training programs graduate only people with the correct life skills to work in that employment field


- employees are working in the correct employment for their actual life skills


- people know what their own correct natural employment is.


There is too much malpractice when people work in the wrong employment for their life skills.




​Mandatory Natural Employment Questionnaires​​


* Force universities and colleges & promote the creation of new universities and colleges to have mandatory questionnaires to assess students' natural employment. Too many universities and colleges graduate their students with degrees in fields that are not their natural career fields because they are not assessed properly. There is too much malpractice in society because of this. 




Know, Study for & Work in their Natural Employment 


* Encourage people to:


- find out their most natural employment and for them

- to study for their most natural employment in school

- work in their most natural employment, instead of the wrong employment.




Natural Employment Assessment Products


* Promote new, better natural employment assessment books, videos, and other products.



Copyright 2017-2023 'Life Skills Divide Political Party'

This political party and website were created by, and are owned and managed by, Melissa Kay Kinder.

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