This Political Party and Website were Created By: Melissa Kay Kinder

Life Skills Divide
Political Party

"PSYCH-Based Division by Life Skills of the
GOVERNMENTS, Cities, Businesses, People & Products"
This is a PSYCHology-Based Political Party.
Race Issues
Reverse Racial Discrimination
* Reverse racial discrimination which leads to people hired in businesses or clients of businesses who are lower life-skilled compared to the rest of the people in an area, causes:
- PSYCHic harm to the other people in the area (because health and life skills are shared PSYCHically & capitalism naturally divides people by their health and life skills)
- PSYCHological trauma, shock, etc... to the other people in the area exposed to the lower-life skilled people that don't belong in their higher life skilled area
Stop Reverse Racial Discrimination
* Have the government stop reverse racial discrimination in hiring employees into its own government in some cities. (This is a problem in and near Washington, D.C.)
* Stop businesses from reverse racially discriminating in hiring and in accepting of clients when the businesses' products and services have nothing to do with their race. (This is a problem in and near Washington, D.C.)
No Reverse Racial Discrimination
* Promote the creation of cities and areas of city which don't have reverse racial discrimination
Law Firms for Reverse Racial Discrimination
* Promote the creation of law firms that sue businesses for reverse racial discrimination.
No Reverse Racial Discrimination
* Promote the creation of new businesses that don't reverse racially discriminate.
Difference Between Life Skills & Race​
* Encourage people to understand the difference between life skill differences (nutrition, fitness, communication skills, etc..) and racial differences (skin color). Many falsely people believe that they or others are being discriminated against for their race, when they are really discriminated against for their un-ascend, lower-life skills compared to others in the business and area.