This Political Party and Website were Created By: Melissa Kay Kinder

Life Skills Divide
Political Party

"PSYCH-Based Division by Life Skills of the
GOVERNMENTS, Cities, Businesses, People & Products"
This is a PSYCHology-Based Political Party.
Life Skills Classes
On this page below is a list of different life skills divided into three to five class levels, upper to lower, with descriptions. (Details for this page will be added later.)
* The different life skill classes of Understanding PSYCHiatry are:
- upper:
- know every or almost every PSYCHiatric disease that can exist, which is in the DSM
- know how to determine if someone has a PSYCHiatric disease or not by observing, talking to, or asking the right questions to someone, without medical tests
- know that PSYCHiatry uses no biomedical tests in determining if someone has PSYCHiatric disease or not
- know that many PSYCHiatric diseases are caused from the PSYCHic realm
- know that PSYCHiatry misdiagnoses many people and makes many mistakes
- know that PSYCHiatric workers have low-life skills and very low counseling/life skills advice
- know that PSYCHics and people experiencing the PSYCHic realm are being harmed by PSYCHiatry, falsely being told that they have the mental illness PSYCHosis
- know the life skills necessary to not get or to get rid of a PSYCHiatric disease without PSYCHiatic drugs
- know that PSYCHiatric drugs are causing too many negative side effects, including neurological ones
- know that forced PSYCHiatry is currently internationally criminal
- know that current PSYCHiatry is pseudoscience and too illegitimate to be forced on people and needs so much reform
- middle:
- know many of the PSYCHiatric diseases in the DSM, but not many also
- know how to sometimes but not always determine if someone has a PSYCHiatric disease or not by observing, talking to, or asking the right questions to someone, without medical tests
- question whether sometime PSYCHiatric diseases come from the PSYCHic realm
- only notice some of the times PSYCHiatry misdiagnoses and makes mistakes
- know some of the life skills necessary to not get or to get rid of a PSYCHiatric disease without PSYCHiatic drugs
- know that PSYCHiatric drugs are causing some negative side effects, including neurological ones, but not know how extremely bad and how many victims there are
- know that forced PSYCHiatry is usually wrong, but not know that it is currently internationally criminal
- know that PSYCHiatry has some problems but not know all of them or how to reform it
- lower:
- not know any of the PSYCHiatric diseases in the DSM or only some
- not know how to determine if someone has a PSYCHiatric disease or not by observing, talking to, or asking the right questions to someone, without medical tests
- not know that PSYCHiatry uses no biomedical tests in determining if someone has PSYCHiatric disease or not
- not know that any PSYCHiatric diseases are caused from the PSYCHic realm
- not know that PSYCHiatry misdiagnoses many people and makes many mistakes
- think that PSYCHiatric workers have high-life enough life skills and have high enough counseling/life skills advice
- think that PSYCHics and people experiencing the PSYCHic realm actually have what PSYCHiatry claims to be the mental illness PSYCHosis and that PSYCHiatry is not harming them
- not know the life skills necessary to not get or to get rid of a PSYCHiatric disease without PSYCHiatic drugs and think that it is not possible to prevent or get rid of PSYCHiatric drugs without PSYCHiatric drugs
- not know that PSYCHiatric drugs are causing too many negative side effects, including neurological ones
- not know that forced PSYCHiatry is currently internationally criminal and think that forced PSYCHiatry is fine
- think that PSYCHiatry is 100% a legitimate healthcare authority, needing no reform
Homelessness Understanding & Assistance Ability
* The different life skill classes of homelessness understanding & assistance ability are:
- upper:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- lower:
- not know how to properly help the homeless, in a for-profit or a non-for-profit way, and when they do, they usually just give food, and sometimes hygiene and clothing and blankets but leave them outside to sleep
- think that you or the government is not supposed to help the homeless
- think that all the homeless are low-life skilled and also to treat them all as such
- think that homeless people are either originally from beneath the lowest class of society (manual laborers) or are originally the lowest class in society (manual laborers)
- think that the homeless all need to be made manual laborers only
- that all the homeless are in their situation because of their own faults, especially because of illegal drugs or laziness or are homeless because of mental illness
- think that all the homeless are PSYCHiatrically Ill and also to treat them all as such
- not know that every situation that can happen to people in their lives has happened to these people
- to combine all socioeconomic classes of homeless people into the same location
- think that these people are already getting sufficient help from the government or non-for-profits when they are not and that the government and non-for-profits are sufficient places for these people to go to for help
- think that the homeless don't affect the community, PSYCHically & non-PSYCHically
- think that or not notice that the homeless shelters as they currently are don't harm the life skill / socioeconomic value or class of the area they are in
- not offer them housing with a job/career in their own job/career field
- not know how to or no think to help the homeless volunteering or working in their own job/career field
PSYCHic Abilities & Phenomenon
* The different life skill classes of PSYCHic Abilities & Phenomenon Understanding are:
- upper:
- to have PSYCHic abilities and perception
- to know or think that the PSYCHic realm exists
- to know that many people who experience the real PSYCHic realm are falsely diagnosed by PSYCHiatry as having a mental illness called PSYCHosis
- to know that human bodies are connected to each other PSYCHically
- to know that many diseases come from the PSYCHic realm
- to know and perceive PSYCHotronic devices
- to know of all the different PSYCHic / paranormal phenomenon that exists or that people say that exists
- middle:
- not sure if the PSYCHic realm exists or not, but think that it is a possibility
- to know of many or most of the PSYCHic / paranormal phenomenon that people say exists
- to watch sci-fi and fantasy tv shows and movies
- to study the PSYCHic / paranormal realm
- lower:
- not know the PSYCHic realm exists
- not believe that any PSYCHic phenomenon exists outside of their own religion
- think that experiences with the PSYCHic realm is just a mental illness called PSYCHosis
- not having any PSYCHic abilities or perceptions
International Relations Understanding
The different life skill classes of international relations understanding are:
- upper:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- lower:
- not know about the United Nations and/or what it does, even though you watch the national and international news
- not know about the United Nations' list of human rights violations
- not know that your own country is violating human rights according to the United Nations
- not know that the international courts have called their own government criminal
- think that there is nothing criminal and could be nothing criminal about their government and that their government is fully developed and is in natural authority over all its citizens. They cannot think outside of their current society and its current government.
- not have the ability to respond or talk to someone about the United Nations, in reference to the other person's life, because they do not understand
- not believe human rights victims of their own government when they tell them what their government did criminally to them, and even think that the human rights victim is the criminal and not the government
- they believe that other countries' governments are internationally criminal, but no their own country's government
- not know when you individually are breaking international laws at work
- not know what the international laws are
- not know what other countries laws are
- be against countries with more higher life skilled laws, human behavior, life skills education, government, businesses, etc...
- be against authoritarian, totalitarian government countries when the government is naturally in charge and not illegitimate
- be on the side of war
- not realize what each country is high life skilled in compared to other countries and one's own
- not know that people seek political asylum from countries that are higher or lower in life skills compared to their own in certain issues
- be against countries that divide people by specific qualities for a legitimate, logical reason, not being just discrimination, such as by life skills or by male vs female
- be against atheist or agnostic countries
Government Development Understanding
* The different life skill classes of government development understanding are:
- upper:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- lower:
- think that the current government does not need to be developed further or ascended in any way
- not notice that the government is un-ascended, low-life skilled compared to for-profit businesses
- think that most government is only for the lower-class people
- think that the current government is not harming and neglecting too many of its residents
- think that the government doesn't need to be life skill divided
- not know to create a government reform business or elections business to fix the government when the government has problems and needs fixing
- not know of the city and state politicians like mayors, city council members, governors, etc.. for the area they live, but they do know of the national politicians like president and congress
- not vote at the local level in their area but only for the national level
- not know of all the services that the local government in their area has either, and only know of the ones that 100% or most of the public are required to use
- not talk about the local government and its issues but about national government and its issues found in the news
- not to notice what is wrong with their government and how it needs fixing, except when they are told on the news or by their politicians
- not know to go to the government themselves like the mayor, city council, president, congress,... to complain about the government to have it fixed
- not know to complain to the United Nations about their own government and how it needs to be fixed
City Development Understanding
* The different life skill classes of city development understanding are:
- upper:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- lower:
- not know that different areas of the city and full cities have different socioeconomic classes--upper, middle, and lower or political, business, middle, retail, and manual labor-- based on quality and type of businesses present, life skills of the people, employment fields of the people, and more...
- not notice which areas of a city are which socioeconomic class of area--upper, middle, and lower--based on business development present, life skills of the people, employment fields of the people, and more...
- not notice that cities are usually too visually disorganized, spread out, and confusing
- not notice the business development disorganization problem in many cities
- not notice the government problem of its locations and number of offices in city not being sufficient
- not notice the non-for-profit social service businesses problem in cities of decreasing socioeconomic class and life skill value of area by taking in clients not from the area, for free
- not know how to develop plans for a new city
Business Development Understanding
* The different life skill classes of city development understanding are:
- upper:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- lower:
- not know how to create a business
- not notice that different businesses within the same business field are more ascended and higher life skilled than others with their products, services, staff, clients, etc... such that there are upper-, middle-, and lower- class businesses in each business field
- not know the difference between ascended businesses and non-ascended businesses
- not know the difference between businesses with products, services, staff, and clients which are ascended /higher life skilled and ones that are not
- think that reverse racial discrimination is okay and that it doesn't lower the life skills of the area
- not know all the different types of businesses that exist
- not know the socioeconomic classes / hierarchy of business types that exist: upper, middle, and lower or political, business, middle class, retail, and manual labor businesses
- not notice business organization problems of a city: with their locations, how many there are of each type, and their life skill levels
- not notice the non-for-profit business problems inside their businesses and in the areas of the city they are surrounded by
- not notice that the business development of an area of a city displays the ascension level, socioeconomic class, life skill class, and natural employment class of the resident, workers, and clients in that area
Life Skills Education
* The different life skill classes of life skills education are:
- upper:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- lower:
- not know that there are different classes of life skills in every aspect of life distributed through society and its people
- not know that socioeconomic class is divided by certain life skills and their levels
- not know that current PSYCHiatry, PSYCHology, counseling, therapy, etc... teach the lowest level of life skills in most aspects of life, not knowing that there are different life skill levels in each aspect of life, and not know that the people currently educated by universities to teach life skills do not know the highest life skills, but the usually the lowest
- not notice when clients have higher life skills than their PSYCHiatrists, PSYCHologists, counselors, therapists, etc..., especially in forced settings
Healthcare in General
* The different life skill classes of healthcare are:
- upper:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- lower:
- not know that certain behaviors affect their health, like nutrition and fitness activity
- not know that people are healthier in the upper socioeconomic classes and unhealthier in the lower socioeconomic classes
- think falsely that certain diseases are genetic when they are not--like PSYCHiatric diseases
- not know that many healthcare problems are shared on the PSYCHic realm
- not know that many diseases and healthcare problems come from the PSYCHic realm
Life Assistance to Others
* The different life skill / socioeconomic classes of life assistance to others are:
- political assistance:
- getting people elected, government consulting, assisting with policy, assisting with protesting against the government, assisting with political asylum, assistance with spy and military situations, creating a political reform business for people harmed or neglected by the government, assisting with contacting and dealing with the United Nations, assist with contacting and getting help from local, state, and national government (legislators, council members, mayors, governors, etc..) about problems, ...
- business assistance:
- business consulting, business finance assistance, business creation assistance, assisting with filing complaints against businesses, creating a for-profit or non-for-profit business in order to help people not life assisted yet in a community, ...
- middle class assistance:
- healthcare assistance, life coaching assistance, legal assistance, teaching/educating someone about something, security guard assistance, police assistance, fitness training, employment assistance, housing assistance, publishing assistance, PSYCHic protection and assistance, entertainment, recreation assistance, dating/marriage assistance, reproductive assistance, foreign immigration assistance, language assistance, communications assistance, tourism assistance, animal care assistance, child care assistance, ...
- retail-type assistance:
- serving food and drinks, giving clothing, giving hygiene products, giving blankets, giving heating and cooling devices, giving camping supplies, giving over-the-counter medicine, giving towels, giving furniture, giving art, giving recreational supplies, giving haircuts and hairstyles, giving makeup and other cosmetics, giving maps & directions, transportation assistance, allowing use of a shower or a toilet, tourism assistance, giving phones or phone access, giving computers or computer access, giving tv or tv access, ...
- manual labor assistance:
- cleaning, landscaping, cooking, construction, painting, laundry services, storage services, repairing vehicles, delivery services, moving assistance, plumbing, ...
- worse than lower:
- not life assist or not know how to life assist people at all
* The different life skill classes of life assistance to others ability and understanding (upper, middle, and lower) are:
- upper:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- lower:
- ...
- worse than lower:
- not life assist or not know how to life assist people at all
Unemployment Understanding
* The different life skill classes of unemployment understanding are:
- upper:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- lower:
- not help or not know how to help the unemployed
- think that the unemployed should not be helped
- to think that all unemployed people are and to treat all unemployed people as non-ascended, low socioeconomic class, naturally poverty-stricken people, that can only be manual laborers at most
- think that all unemployed are in their situation because of their own faults, especially because of illegal drugs or laziness, or think that all unemployed people became homeless because of PSYCHiatric / mental diseases
- think that and treat all unemployed people like they just have life-style problems or are lazy
- think that or treat all unemployed people like they have PSYCHiatric / mental disorders
- think that the unemployed all need to be made manual laborers only
- don't know that every situation that can happen to people in their lives has happened to these people to cause them to go unemployed
- think that these people are already getting sufficient help from the government or non-for-profits when they are not and that the government and non-for-profits are sufficient places for these people to go to for help
- think that the department of unemployment helps everyone and that they help everyone immediately
- don't know how to offer unemployed people employment in their own job/career fields
- think that people don't need same day pay with employment when they leave unemployment
* The different life skill / socioeconomic classes of employment are:
- political:
- ...
- business:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- retail:
- ...
- manual labor / lower:
- ...
- worse than lower:
- ...
* The different life skill classes of employment understanding are:
- upper:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- lower:
- think that all people have the same class and that people just work where they work randomly, and not based on life skills and natural employment.
- not know that the upper, middle, and lower class in employment and in areas that they live are divided by certain life skills like nutrition, fitness, communication skills, and more...
Natural vs Unnatural Employment
* The different life skill classes of natural vs unnatural employment are:
- upper:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- lower:
- not know your and others' natural employment
- not study in college or university your most natural career field
- work in jobs/careers that don't match any of their natural jobs/careers
- not work in your most natural career field
- work in careers or employment fields much higher in socioeconomic class than they are supposed to based on their natural employment, especially because of the faulty department of education
- commit malpractice at their work because they are working in the wrong career, not even noticing
- not know or notice that people working in a non-natural career field for themselves often commit malpractice at work
- hire people unnaturally working in the career field
The different socioeconomic classes of education are:
- political:
- ...
- business:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- retail:
- ...
- manual labor / lower:
- ...
* The different life skill classes of education system understanding are:
- upper:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- lower:
- think that there is nothing wrong with the current education system and that it ascends the correct people into the correct careers
- not notice that students are learning material that they will never use in either their work or personal lives (such as advanced math, advanced English vocabulary, multiple of the sciences,...)
- not notice that the literature that is taught is so inappropriate and raises students to be immoral and poor
- not notice that the sports taught are wrong and impractical
- not notice that students are being tested for the wrong skills to be accepted into universities, both undergraduate and graduate
- not know the different socioeconomic classes or hierarchy of education majors that exist related to employment
Spy & Military Issues
* The different life skill classes of spy & military issues understanding are:
- upper:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- lower:
- think that spy and military situations don't exist
- think that all spy and military situations are delusions, paranoia, or PSYCHosis, and don't believe people when they say that they are going through one or went through one
- not help people experiencing spy and military situations
- not know how to help people experiencing spy and military situations
- not recognize or notice when a spy or military situation is happening around them
Security Cameras
* The different life skill classes of security camera usage and understanding are:
- upper:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- lower:
- not know it is high-life skilled to have security cameras in private and public locations
- not believe in having security cameras for their own safety because it robs them of their individual privacy
- not understand their benefit
* The different life skill classes of fashion wear are:
- upper:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- lower:
- wear impractical clothing that they cannot move around in or sufficiently work in
- wear sexually harassing clothing
* The different life skill classes of fashion understanding are:
- upper:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- lower:
- not know that women are wearing sexually harassing clothing compared to men
- think that women are naturally allowed to dress sexually harassing, and their clothing shouldn't change
- believe that women have every or human right to dress sexually solicitous in every aspect of their lives, including their work outside of a sex field
- don't think that women are sexually harassing everyone else and also don't think that women are dressed with such lower life skills than me
- don't see that women's sexualized displays their romance type of lifestyle, with so many looking like sexual escorts and paid girlfriends
- believe that women who dress sexually deserve to be paid equal to men
- harass women who dress like Muslims or in other moral clothing compared to the other women
- falsely thinking that the women who dress sexually immoral are the normal and upper-class women (and falsely thinking that women who dress sexually morally are the abnormal or lower-class women)
* The different life skill / socioeconomic classes of recreation are:
- political:
- ...
- business:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- retail:
- ...
- manual labor / lower:
- ...
- worse than lower:
- do un-ascended, low life skill / socioeconomic class recreation, especially ones that either don't resemble any career, are non-useful, or that are below people's actual life skill / employment / socioeconomic class
- do recreational activities that are very simple and don't resemble work situations, or if they do resemble work situations, then they only resemble pre-school, kindergarten, and elementary school, when they work in a higher socioeconomic class than pre-school, kindergarten, and elementary school.
- do recreational activities such as: suduko; scrabble; UNO; poker and other card games with those same cards with only matching or sequencing simple numbers, shapes, and letters; jinga; scattegories; coloring with crayons, colored pencils, or markers of coloring book pages, especially of animals, plants, and abstract images
* The different life skill classes of recreation and recreation understanding, other than the socioeconomic classes of recreation, are:
- upper:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- lower:
- not know that there are different life skill / socioeconomic classes of recreation
- not notice that all places outside of regular capitalism, such as PSYCHiatry and homeless shelters, have the most un-ascended, lowest life skill and socioeconomic class recreation to exist in society
- not think that recreation in all places outside of regular capitalism, such as PSYCHiatry and homeless shelters, don't need to be ascended in life skill / socioeconomic class
- not know that recreational activities resemble employment fields
- not know that people's recreational activities display their natural careers
- not know that recreational activities should match people's employment fields and socioeconomic class
* The different life skill / socioeconomic classes of conversation are:
- political:
- ...
- business:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- retail:
- ...
- manual labor / lower:
- ...
- worse than lower:
- ...
* The different life skill classes of conversations ability & understanding, unrelated to socioeconomic class are:
- upper:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- lower:
- not know that there are different socioeconomic classes of conversations that people have
- have very simple, un-ascended conversation topics below one's employment / socioeconomic class
- to not be able to have a conversation in every field
- not have practical conversations related to the situation
- ask "How are you?" in greeting someone and say "Have a nice day." as farewell to someone when it is weird and unnecessary instead of greetings & salutations tied to their exact situation.
- talk about plants and animals, manual labor type activities, and retail type subjects like food, clothing, etc... (when they don't work with plants or animals, in manual labor or retail type fields of employment)
* The different life skill classes of fitness are:
- upper class:
- exercises that are related to emergency situations and are 100% useful in emergency situations
- examples: to do parkour and self-defense fitness training, ...
- middle class:
- all middle: exercises not related to emergency situations and only partially useful when in emergency situations ...
- upper-middle: examples: advanced dance, gymnastics, acrobatics, ...
- middle-middle: examples: intermediate dance, ...
lower-middle: examples: aerobics, conditioning, weightlifting, running in a straight line or in a circle, ball sports like tennis, baseball, ...
- lower class:
- to do exercises that are more than for daily activities but not at all or barely useful in emergency situations
- examples: yoga, pilates, basketball, tennis, walking long distance, ...
- worse than lower class:
- to not exercise at all
- to not exercise enough to prevent ailments that people only get from lack of movement/exercise
- to do exercises that are only useful for basic daily activities and not all at useful in emergency situations
- to do exercises less than basic daily movements
- examples: chair yoga
Sexual Procreation
* The different life skill classes of sexual procreation are:
- authoritarian / upper:
- ...
- conservative:
- ...
- moderate:
- ...
- liberal:
- ...
- anarchist:
- ...
* The different life skill classes of sexual procreation understanding are:
- upper:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- lower:
- not know people have different values for sexual: authoritative, conservative, moderate, liberal, and anarchist.
- not know to find people who match your own sexual values
- think that sex is not for reproduction
- not notice when laws are too moderate or liberal
- not know when other cultures could have more moral sexual procreation practices than their own
- not notice that different political parties have different sexual procreation morals
PSYCHoactive Legal Nonprescription Drugs
* The different life skill classes of PSYCHoactive legal nonprescription drugs use are:
- authoritarian / upper:
- ...
- conservative:
- ...
- moderate:
- ...
- liberal:
- ...
- anarchist:
- ...
* The different life skill classes of PSYCHoactive legal nonprescription drugs understanding are:
- upper:
- know that there are different ways of drinking alcohol, coffee, energy drinks, etc....--authoritative, conservative, moderate, liberal, and anarchist--and that authoritative and conservative use is beneficial.
- know the beneficial use of each of these drugs
- middle:
- think that moderate use of these drugs is appropriate, instead of conservative or authoritative
- not know how to use these drugs authoritatively or conservatively, but moderately
- lower:
- think that alcohol, coffee, energy drinks are bad no matter how much drunk
- not know that there are different ways of drinking alcohol, coffee, energy drinks, etc....--authoritative, conservative, moderate, liberal, and anarchist--and that authoritative and conservative use is beneficial.
- not know the beneficial use for each of these drugs
- not know how to use these drugs authoritatively, conservatively, or moderately, but liberally or anarchist
Immigration & Asylum
* The different life skill classes of immigration & asylum understanding are:
- upper:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- lower:
- think that people from your own country don't immigrate and seek asylum from your own country and to not believe that someone is telling you the truth when they tell you they are
- think that your own government is not committing crimes against its citizens and people needing protection from their government through immigration and asylum
- think that people seeking political asylum from their own government are criminals instead of the government
- to not know United Nations international human rights laws and torture laws
- not know how to help people who are seeking political asylum from their own government
- to not help people who are seeking political asylum from their own government
- who don't know what to say to people who tell them that they are trying to seek political asylum
- think that your own country is the best country in the world and that there is no way anyone would want to leave it to go somewhere better or safer
- falsely believe that their own country is the best country in the world and falsely believing that no one would leave it
- not know of people immigrating from their own country to go somewhere better.
- not know of people traveling or living abroad, usually
- often falsely think that people who do so are the rich, thinking that only the rich can afford to travel abroad, when all classes in society can afford it
- think people only go abroad to other countries for war or military work. For example, when someone mentions being in Vietnam, an austigic person will falsely think that it means being there for the Vietnam war only, not knowing that people go there not just in times of war.
- don't know that there are more moral and higher life skilled countries to live in than their own
* The different socioeconomic classes of events are:
- political:
- ...
- business:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- retail:
- ...
- manual labor / lower:
- ...
- worse than lower:
- ...
* The different life skill classes of event creation are:
- upper:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- lower:
- create events with un-ascended, lower life skilled music, entertainment, food & drinks, recreation, staff, decorations, etc... when the guests are from all socioeconomic classes, especially a government event
- create events with music, entertainment, art, recreation, locations, decorations, etc... unrelated to the purpose of the event
- create events with no separation from religion when it is a government event
Arts & Entertainment
* The different life skill / socioeconomic classes of arts & entertainment are:
- political:
- ...
- business:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- retail:
- ...
- manual labor / lower:
- ...
- worse than lower:
- ...
* The different life skill classes of arts and entertainment usage and understanding are:
- upper:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- lower:
- not know that there are different socioeconomic classes of arts & entertainment
- have lower socioeconomic class of arts & entertainment than one's actual employment
- watch tv shows or movies that have characters with much lower in socioeconomic class of career than their own
- not match arts & entertainment to the situation, especially when the art or entertainment is inappropriate
- have businesses' and government departments' arts and entertainment not related to the services or products
- think it is okay for businesses or government departments to have arts and entertainment not matching their services or function
- have no separation from religion in government departments' arts & entertainment
- not know that people's arts and entertainment display their natural socioeconomic / employment class
- art like paintings, sculptures, pictures, statutes, ... usually are of plants, animals, food, or abstract images and almost never of people, but if they are of people then, they are unrelated to the person's personal or work life, like of a naked person or a person playing sports only
- their songs are usually of romance, of no words, or not related to their personal or work situation
- At their businesses or work, their arts and entertainment (paintings, pictures, statues, figurines, songs on the radio, magazines, what's on the tv, etc... do not match the career field they work in.
Race Issues
* The different life skill classes of race issues understanding are:
- upper:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- lower:
- think that reverse racial discrimination is ok, when regular racial discrimination is not, and especially when reverse racial discrimination gets lower life skilled people into higher life skilled area
- think that when complaining about a non-white person's socioeconomic class / life skills as being too low for an area, it means racism only
- think that blacks and other non-whites are not ascended yet in society because of racism instead of because of their natural class, life skills, and the education system
Nutrition: Food & Drinks
* The different life skill classes of nutrition are:
- upper:
- eating and drinking foods and drinks with high nutrients
- eating enough fresh fruit and vegetables
- eating and drinking foods and drinks good for the health and preventative of diseases
- getting close to 100% of the daily nutrients
- eating and drinking foods and drinks that make children grow up to be tall
- ...
- middle:
- eating and drinking fortified foods and drinks with nutrients added to it but not there naturally
- eating and drinking some nutritious and some non-nutritious or low-nutritious foods and drinks
- getting around 50% or so of the daily nutrients required for a healthy life
- eating and drinking food and drinks that make children grow up to be medium height
- ...
- lower:
- to eat too much or not enough and be over or underweight
- to eat and drink non-nutritious or low-nutrient foods and drinks
- getting less than half or the required daily nutrients required for a healthy life
- to eat canned foods instead of fresh foods
- to eat too much pork or red meats
- to eat high fat foods
- to eat and drink foods that harm the health
- eat and drink too much processed foods
- eating and drinking foods and drinks that make children grow up to be short
- ...
* The different life skill classes of nutrition understanding are:
- upper:
- ...
- middle:
- ...
- lower:
- ...