This Political Party and Website were Created By: Melissa Kay Kinder

Life Skills Divide
Political Party

"PSYCH-Based Division by Life Skills of the
GOVERNMENTS, Cities, Businesses, People & Products"
This is a PSYCHology-Based Political Party.
Recreation in All Places Outside of Capitalism
* Change the recreation provided/forced in the places outside of capitalism which are either forced or required due to low or no-income situations, such as:
- psychiatric wards
- prisons
- jails
- homeless centers
- and social service centers
in the following ways:
Ascend the Life Skill Level of the Recreational Activities
- ascend their quality and life skill level of every recreational activity. Currently, the recreation provided (in every field of recreation) is for the lowest life skilled people only and not for the middle or upper life skilled people at all. It is fully inhumane, the life skill level of the recreation provided/forced.
Life Skill Divide the Staff and Clients
- life skill divide the recreational activities, the staff, and the clients into lower, middle, and upper, so that every life skill level of person has appropriate recreation for themselves and so that no one has to do lower in life skilled recreation than themselves by force.
Government Recreation/Fitness Centers
* Change the recreational activities and materials in or at government recreation centers (usually called parks & recreation centers and the public libraries) so that they are:
Ascend the Life Skill Level of the Recreation
- higher in life skills than they currently are, or
Life Skill Divide the Recreation
- life skill divided life skill divided into lower, middle, and upper class
Currently, the government only provides the lowest in life skilled activities and materials and middle and upper life skilled people in recreation have no government department to go to.
Places Outside of Capitalism
* Promote the creation of places outside of capitalism, such as:
- psychiatric wards
- prisons
- homeless centers,
-and other social service centers
which have:
- ascended recreational activities
- life skill divided recreational activities.
Current places outside of capitalism are too inhumane because of the low level of life skilled recreation provided.
For-Profit Recreation Centers
* Promote the creation of more for-profit recreation centers (in each area of recreation):
- upper life skilled recreational activities
- life skill divided recreational activities.
Put Middle & Upper Life Skilled Recreational Products Found Online into Stores
* Promote the placement of the many ascended (middle and upper class) recreational activities and products found online for purchase into the local stores for purchase. Currently, many of the local stores do not sell them, and the ascended (the middle and upper class) people in recreation are buying them online.