This Political Party and Website were Created By: Melissa Kay Kinder

Life Skills Divide
Political Party

"PSYCH-Based Division by Life Skills of the
GOVERNMENTS, Cities, Businesses, People & Products"
This is a PSYCHology-Based Political Party.
Our Other Goals:
Please use the menu above in the header to go to each separate page of our specific goals. The pages in the menu above are listed below:
- "International Relations"
- "Government Development"
- "City Development"
- "Business Development"
- "Life Skills Education"
- "Healthcare in General"
- "Housing in General"
- "Life Assistance to Others"
- "Unemployment"
- "Employment"
- "Natural vs Unnatural Employment Issues"
- "Non-for-Profit Social Service Centers"
- "Grade School Education"
- "Colleges & Universities"
- "Spy & Military Issues"
- "Security Cameras"
- "Courts"
- "New Laws Needed"
- "Lawsuits"
- "Fashion"
- "Recreation"
- "Conversation"
- "Fitness:
- "Sexual Procreation"
- "PSYCHoactive Legal Nonprescription Drugs"
- "Immigration & Asylum"
- "Finance: Taxing, Budgeting, Etc..."
- "Events"
- "Arts & Entertainment"
- "Race Issues"
- "Women's Issues"
- "Nutrition: Food & Drinks"