This Political Party and Website were Created By: Melissa Kay Kinder

Political Party

"PSYCH-Based Ascension of the
GOVERNMENTS, Cities, Businesses, People, & Products"
This is a PSYCHology-Based Political Party.
Have Architecture Matching its Country
* Stop the governments' Greek or other countries' architecture. Have the architecture matching their own country.
Have Buildings Matching in Architecture & the Environment
* Promote the creation of cities and areas of cities where the business and housing architecture matches each other and the surrounding natural environment. (For example, the building are the same colors and made of the same materials as found in the nature surrounding them.)
Create Businesses Matching the Environment
* ​Promote the creation of businesses and where the architecture of the buildings matches the natural environment surrounding them in color and materials they are made of.
Create Communities with Buildings Matching Each Other & the Environment
* ​Promote the creation of communities (like suburbs or shopping mall) where the architecture of the buildings matches each other and the natural environment surrounding them in color and materials they are made of.