This Political Party and Website were Created By: Melissa Kay Kinder

Political Party

"PSYCH-Based Ascension of the
GOVERNMENTS, Cities, Businesses, People, & Products"
This is a PSYCHology-Based Political Party.
Natural vs Unnatural Employment Issues
Give Natural Employment Assessment​ Questionnaires to Government Workers
* Give mandatory natural employment questionnaires to all adults in order to assess their natural employment because too many people are not working in their natural employment and too much malpractice is happening. This is especially needed in healthcare, police, law, and other people intensive fields. People need to naturally work in their employment positions when the position is of authority over people and the clients don't have another options, such as in the government and in businesses forced by the government.
Give Natural Employment Assessment​ Questionnaires to SSDI
* Give mandatory employment assessment to all SSDI (Psychiatry) recipients. Most of them are naturally able to work and be hired somewhere but just don't know where. What they do in their free time should be their career.
Cities with People in their Natural Employment
* Promote the creation of cities and areas of cities:
- that control where people work based on their natural employment
Law Firms​
Unnatural Employment Issues
* Promote the creation of law firms that sue for employees not naturally working in their career
Mandatory Employment Questionnaires
* Promote that universities have mandatory questionnaires to assess students' natural employment. Too many universities and colleges graduate their students with degrees in fields that are not their natural career fields because they are not assessed properly. This should be mandatory.
Study in University their Natural Employment
* Encourage people to study in college and university their most natural employment field so that they don't graduate with degrees in fields that they don't naturally work in.
Know their Natural Employment
* Encourage people to find out their natural employment, for their own benefit and others.
Natural Employment Advice Products
* Promote the creation of new, better natural employment advice books and videos for people to use.