This Political Party and Website were Created By: Melissa Kay Kinder

Political Party

"PSYCH-Based Ascension of the
GOVERNMENTS, Cities, Businesses, People, & Products"
This is a PSYCHology-Based Political Party.
PSYCHotronic Issues
Many Citizens are Complaining to the United Nations for Assistance & The United Nations is Currently Investigating this Problem
Investigate the U.S. Military, Police, & Spy Organizations
* Demand that the United Nations investigate the use of PSYCHotronic weapons and devices by the military, police, and spy organizations against citizens and residents, especially in Washington, D.C.
Investigate the Churches
* Demand that the United Nations investigate the use of PSYCHotronic weapons and devices by the churches on church members, pretending that it is god/Jesus.
Stop Government PSYCHotronic Attacks
* Investigate the use of PSYCHotronic technology by government departments on civilians and residents.
* Demand that the government police and military organizations stop using machines to extrajudicially attack its own citizens and residents.
Stop PSYCHiatry from Harming Victims of PSYCHotronics
* Stop the government from calling delusional and forcing PSYCHiatry on people who complain about PSYCHotronic harassment. PSYCHiatry does not claim to have pharmaceutical drugs that protect from the PSYCHic or PSYCHotronic realm and just attempts to make the human body more autistic.
* Make PSYCHiatry (which believes that PSYCHotronic torture is a delusion and a mental illness) aware that many, may people are complaining to the United Nations for assistance about PSYCHotronic torture and that the United Nations is believing them that it is real and trying to investigate and assist them.
Create PSYCHotronic Detection Technology
* Have the government work on creating technology that shows the invisible connection between people and the machines attacking them and how.
Investigate Churches for PSYCHotronics
* Have the government investigate the churches for PSYCHotronic harassment, possessing people and manipulating them with 'god'-like technology, pretending that it is 'god.'
Aware of & Protection from PSYCHotronics
* Promote the creation of cities:
- where the leaders and residents are aware of PSYCHotronics
- provides protection from PSYCHotronics
- does not harm people suffering from PSYCHotronics with PSYCHiatry which believes it is all originating from the mind in a mental illness.
PSYCHotronic Detection Technology Businesses
* Promote the creation of businesses to create technology that shows the invisible connection between people and machines attacking them.
Homeless Shelters for Victims of PSYCHotronics
* Promote the creation of homeless shelters for people going through PSYCHotronic torture.
Investigations of PSYCHotronics
* Promote the creation of businesses to investigate churches for PSYCHotronic harassment, possessing people and manipulating them with 'god'-like technology, pretending that it is 'god.'
Raise Awareness
​* Raise awareness for this problem so that more people know about it.
Creation of PSYCHotronic Detection Technology
​* Encourage people to create PSYCHotronic detection technology
Find the PSYCHotronic Technology
​* Encourage people to find the PSYCHotronic technology being used on people
PSYCHotronic Detection Technology Creation
* Promote the creation of technology that shows the invisible connection between people and machines attacking them.
Find PSYCHotronics
* Attempt to find some of the advanced machines attacking people.