This Political Party and Website were Created By: Melissa Kay Kinder

Political Party

"PSYCH-Based Ascension of the
GOVERNMENTS, Cities, Businesses, People, & Products"
This is a PSYCHology-Based Political Party.
Our Other Goals
Please click on the menu above, on the title 'Our Other Goals,' and then scroll up or down to find each individual page of goals for a particular field. The goal pages in the menu above are:
- "International Relations"
- "Government Development"
- "City Development"
- "Business Development"
- "Non-for-Profit Social Service Centers"
- "Life Skills Education"
- "Healthcare in General"
- "Life Assistance to Others"
- "Fashion"
- "Employment"
- "Natural vs Unnatural Employment Issues"
- "Housing in General"
- "Religious Issues"
- "Racial Issues"
- "Grade School Education"
- "Colleges & Universities"
- "Spy & Military Issues"
- "I.D.s & Documents"
- "Recreation"
- "PSYCHoactive Legal Nonprescription Drugs"
- "Locations"
- "Waiting Time"
- "Interior & Exterior Design"
- "Signs, Markers & Directors"
- "Marketing & Advertising"
- "Male-Female Separation"
- "Hours of Operation"
- "Names, Logos, & Slogans"
- "Information"
- "Complaints"
- "Maps & Directions"
- "Finance: Taxing, Budgeting, etc.."
- "Transportation"
- "News / Current Affairs"
- "Events"
- "Arts & Entertainment"
- "Conversations"
- "Fitness"
- "Computer & Phone Labs"
- "Technology in General"
- "New Technology Needed"
- "Security Cameras"
- "New Laws Needed"
- "Lawyers"
- "Self Defense"
- "Display of Laws"
- "Immigration & Asylum"
- "Sexual Procreation"
- "Holidays"
- "Nutrition"
- "Conservatism"
- "Women's Issues"
- "PSYCHoactive Illegal Drugs Issues"
- "Outer Space Aliens & Aerospace Issues"
- "History"
- "Natural Environment & Landscaping"
- "Architecture"
- "Construction"
- "Cleaning, Hygiene & Waste Removal"