This Political Party and Website were Created By: Melissa Kay Kinder

Political Party

"PSYCH-Based Ascension of the
GOVERNMENTS, Cities, Businesses, People, & Products"
This is a PSYCHology-Based Political Party.
Life Assistance to Others
* Not life assisting others causes:
- PSYCHic harm to oneself including:
- physical injuries and diseases (not just PSYCHiatric diseases)
- emotional / PSYCHological trauma, depression, distress, shock, etc ...
- all people's bodies are PSYCHically shared, and everyone is PSYCHically affected by people who need life assistance.
- non-PSYCHic harm to oneself of:
- emotional / PSYCHological trauma, depression, distress, shock, irritation, anger, disgust, etc ...
- seeing and being around people not life assisted
Government Grade Schools
* The government grade schools need to teach its students:
- the life skill of life assistance to others, in every socioeconomic class of field that exists, and not just food and healthcare.
- all the government and non-for-profit social service centers that exist in cities, including their own city and where they are located
- about volunteering at non-for-profit social service centers in their favorite subjects or school focus or major
- that all socioeconomic classes of people can end up needing life assistance, not just the low socioeconomic classes of people
Government Stipend Offices
* The government stipend offices need to:
- give knowledge to clients on other government stipend and assistance programs that exist
- combine all stipend offices into one building
- have more locations throughout the city, in upper-, middle- and lower- class areas and not just in lower class areas
- only accept clients who are from the area
- ascend their offices as seen on this website's page "Stipend Department Issues"
Non-for-Profit Social Services
* Attempt to get the government to create laws that non-for-profit social service centers must:
- only accept clients from their own area
- divide clients by their socioeconomic class
- life assist in more ascended / higher life skill ways, if the business is multi-purpose with case managers
- ascend their businesses as seen on this website's page: "Non-for-Profit Social Service Centers"
New Government Department for Life Assistance
* The government needs to create a new department of government for life assistance which does the following:
- gives information on all government and non-for-profit life assistance programs that exist and their locations
- assists people in getting to the government and non-for-profit life assistance department locations for assistance
Police Officers
Educate Police on Life Assistance
* The government needs to educate the police officers on:
- all the different ways to life assist people, outside of police matters, because the police are often the only government out and about in the cities and may of their clients often need life assistance in non-police matters
- all the different government stipend and life assistance offices in their city and where they are exactly
- all the non-for-profit life assistance centers in their city and where they are exactly
- the fact that the government does not help in all life assistance fields and does not help immediately
- the fact that non-for-profits have lots of problems which causes many people to not want to use them, including: no socioeconomic class divisions as in capitalism, low life skilled staff and services compared to capitalism, physically dangerous environments compared to in capitalism, PSYCHologically traumatizing environment compared to capitalism, and PSYCHically dangerous environment compared to in capitalism
- the fact that many neglected people don't know of government or non-for-profit life assistance centers or where they are, and need help form the only department of the government that they see life assisting people, the police
- the fact that all life skill / socioeconomic classes of people need life assistance and not just the low life skilled / low socioeconomic class people
Force Police to Life Assist
* The government needs to force the police officers to:
- life assist all residents in their cities when they ask for assistance by assisting them to get to all the government stipend and assistance offices and to the non-for-profit centers that they need, ​until the government creates a separate department of the government to do this that the police can contact when residents need life assistance
- stop falsely treating residents who require government or non-for-profit life assistance services like they are PSYCHiatric patients instead of assisting them in the ways that they require
* Promote the creation of cities and areas of cities where:
- residents know of all socioeconomic classes of life assistance that exist
- residents know how to life assist each other in all aspects of life
- residents know that all life skill / socioeconomic classes of people need life assistance, not just the low life skilled / low socioeconomic class people
- ascended quality non-for-profit social service centers
- non-for-profit social service centers with more ascended life assistance services
- non-for-profit social service centers that don't treat clients like they are low-life skilled, un-ascended people in society only
- the government life assists residents in all aspects of life, immediately
- accept clients only from the area
Counseling Businesses​
* Promote the creation of counseling businesses that teach:
- the skill of life assistance to others, in every socioeconomic class of field that exists
- how to volunteer in their own career field
Colleges & Universities​
* Promote the creation of colleges and universities that:
- teach its students to life assist people in their own field of study
- all the non-for-profit social service center types that exist for volunteering in their own field of study
- to volunteer in non-for-profit social service centers in their own field of study
For-Profit Grade Schools​
* Promote the creation of private grade schools that teach:
- the life skill of life assistance to others, in every socioeconomic class of field that exists, and not just food and healthcare.
- all the government and non-for-profit social service centers that exist in cities, including their own city and where they are located
- about volunteering at non-for-profit social service centers in their favorite subjects or school focus or major
- that all socioeconomic classes of people can end up needing life assistance, not just the low socioeconomic classes of people
​Non-for-Profit Social Service Centers
* Promote the creation of non-for-profit social service centers that:
- divide clients by their life assistance needs better, especially if they need political or business assistance
- assist with all socioeconomic classes of life assistance
- have volunteers for all socioeconomic classes of life assistance, instead of placing most volunteers in retail-oriented roles only, like in food serving
- don't treat clients like they are all the low life skilled, low socioeconomic class
- don't treat clients like they are PSYCHiatric patients
Increase Life Skills in Life Assistance of Others
* Encourage people to increase their life skills in life assistance by life assisting others (including when they volunteer in non-for-profit social service centers but not always in these):
- in every aspect of life
- in their own current or past employment fields
- who have the same or similar life skills as their co-workers, housemates, neighbors, friends, family, etc...
Better Educational Books
* Encourage the creation of newer, better life assistance books that explain:
- all the different ways to life assist people, including explaining socioeconomic class of life assistance
- for-profit and non-for-profit ways to assist others, including when the those being assisted don't currently have money