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Life Skills Education

Life Skills Education Includes


- Life Therapy, Counseling, or Coaching

- PSYCHological Services

- PSYCHiatry

- Life Skills Taught by Government & Non-Government Grade Schools

- Church / Religious Sermons & Counseling Services

- More...





Ascend the Quality of Life Skills Education


* Ascend the quality of the life skills education programs of the government. Right now, the life skills taught are at the lowest level possible. It is not useful for middle and upper life skilled people.


Divide the Workers & the Clients by Life Skills


* Divide the workers and the clients by life skill levels in each aspect of life education.


Divide the Workers & the Clients by their Political Parties


* Divide people into their own political party before life education. Different political parties have different levels of life skills that they agree with, and some political party's life skills are lower than others while other political party's life skills are higher than others. Ascension Political Party members know of and believe in having the highest life skills there are in each field of life and deserve to be given life skills education from Ascension Political Party members


Stop Forced Life Skills Education When:


* Stop the forcing of people into life skills education services where:


- the worker is lower in life skills than the client receiving life education

-the worker is the opposite biological sex than the client

- the worker is a different political party than the client

- the worker is dressed sexually harassing

- the clients are with other people in a group who have differing levels of life skills, especially in the life skill being taught

- the clients are in a group of people there for life skills education in a different field than themselves and are together anyway

- there is no separation of religion and services

- the client already has the life skills

- they are there for being PSYCHic or experiencing a PSYCHic phenomenon (unless they don't want the experience)

- more...


Assess People's Life Skills Levels Before Forcing them into Life Skills Education


* Require the government to assess a person's life skill level in each aspect of life before forcing them into life skills education (counseling). Then, make sure that the government only forces people into life skills education (counseling) their life skills are lower than the life skills education that will be forced. If the person's life skill levels are higher than the life skills education (counseling) being forced, then stop the government from forcing that person into life skills education. Too many people are higher in life skills than the staff they are forced to get a life skills education from, and it is truly inhuman. 


Investigate Quality of Life Skills Taught


* Have the government investigate the quality of the life skills taught by people providing life skills education to clients (especially in forced services, like forced PSYCHiatry with forced counseling combined) and the quality of the life skills being taught in life skills coaching (counseling) training programs in colleges and universities as un-ascended, lower life skilled, than middle and upper life skilled people have. Then, have it enforce change and/or stop relying on them in connection with the government in forced services.




Ascended & Life Skills Divided Life Skills Education


* Promote the creation of new cities and areas of cities with:


- more ascended life skills education

- life skill divided life skills education


 in the government, the for-profits, and the non-for-profits. Life skills education quality needs be controlled better and available for each life skill/socioeconomic class, not just for the worst life skilled or worst socioeconomic class.  




Life Skills Education Businesses


* Promote the creation of new life skills education businesses that:


- teach the highest level of life skills education

- teach higher life skills than the life skills currently being taught by university graduates in counseling, PSYCHology, etc... The current universities don't teach counselors life skills at a high enough level. 

- divide workers and clients by life skill levels while teaching life skills

- teach PSYCHic abilities and PSYCHic phenomenon 


Consulting Businesses 


* Promote the creation of new businesses that consult life education businesses based on our political parties ideology and goals.


Lawsuit Businesses


* Promote the creation of new businesses that  lawsuit against life education businesses based on our political parties ideology and goals.


More Ascended Life Skills Education School Programs for Workers in the Field


* Promote the creation of more ascended counselor or life skills coaching school programs, because the ones currently existing teach too low of life skills to their students.




Increase Own Life Skills


* Encourage people to increase their own life skills above what the government and many businesses have taught them, by seeking out smarter businesses and products.  




Higher Life Skills Education Books


* Promote the current higher life skilled life education/ self-help books on the market and the creation of newer higher life skilled ones.


Higher Life Skilled Products


* Promote the buying of products which are the highest in life skills available.



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