This Political Party and Website were Created By: Melissa Kay Kinder

Political Party

"PSYCH-Based Ascension of the
GOVERNMENTS, Cities, Businesses, People, & Products"
This is a PSYCHology-Based Political Party.
Spy & Military Issues
Protect People Going through Spy & Military Situations
* Help people going through spy and military situations who are a victim of their government and who are:
- trying to leave their country because of spy and military operations against them
- trying to enter politics, by placing them in a safe location, not just in political asylum, but inside their own country.
Stop Forcing PSYCHiatry on People Experiencing Spy & Military Situations
* Stop the police from assuming that spy and military situations are delusions, paranoia, or PSYCHosis and forcing the public into PSYCHiatry when the public complains to them about a spy or military situation that they are in. Spy and military situations do exist.
Force Police to Contact Spy & Military Departments of Government
* Force police to contact the appropriate non-PSYCHiatric departments of the government, such as intelligence organizations like the CIA or military, when people complain to them that they are experiencing spy or military situations
Force Police to Contact the United Nations
* Force police to contact the United Nations, especially when a person complains to them that their own government is doing spy and military operations on them, when they are not committing a crime (like when they are victims of their government and trying to seek help or political justice)
Teach Police to Recognize Spy & Military Situations
* Teach police to recognize spy and military situations, when spy and military situations are likely to exists, etc...
Hire Police with Political & Military Degrees, Plus Work Backgrounds
* Hire police officers with university degrees in military science, political science, international relations, etc... and with spy and military work backgrounds to work in areas with the national government and areas surrounding United Nations, embassies, and consulate buildings, so that they will be prepared to deal with spy and military situations happening in these locations.
Stop Calling Spy & Military Situations Delusions
* Stop PSYCHiatric workers from falsely calling all spy and military situations delusions, paranoia, or PSYCHosis. Some spy and military situations do exist in real life.
Intelligence Organizations & Military
Force to Investigate Spy & Military Situations
* Force the intelligence organizations and military to investigate spy and military situations when the public complains about experiencing these situations.
Stop Certain Military Operations
* Attempt to stop military operations against:
- victims of the government who are not committing a crime
- Muslim countries
- countries more ascended socially
Have Spy Organizations & Military Working in Uniforms in Political Areas
* Have workers in spy organizations and military to walk and stand around in uniforms on duty in political areas such as the national capital and areas surrounding United Nations, embassy and consulate buildings.
New PSYCHiatric Businesses
That Know Spy & Military Situations Exist
* Promote the creation of new PSYCHiatric businesses that know that some spy and military situations do exist.
New Homeless Shelters
For People Experiencing Spy & Military Situations
* Promote the creation of new homeless shelters for people experiencing spy and military situations.
Understand Spy & Military Situations Exist
* Get the public to understand that real spy and military situations do exist.