This Political Party and Website were Created By: Melissa Kay Kinder

Political Party

"PSYCH-Based Ascension of the
GOVERNMENTS, Cities, Businesses, People, & Products"
This is a PSYCHology-Based Political Party.
New Laws Needed
Decreased Taxes for Ascended Businesses, People & Products
* Decrease the taxes for people who follow more ascended laws of behavior and increase taxes for people who follow more non-ascended laws of behavior, so that the more ascended the behavior, the less the taxes they pay.
* Change the laws so that:
Protect PSYCHics from PSYCHiatry
- PSYCHics and people going through PSYCHic or paranormal experiences cannot be arrested into PSYCHiatry and forcibly put on PSYCHiatric drugs. Being PSYCHic or PSYCHically aware is more ascended and a life skill.​
Make Women's Sexualized Fashion Illegal
- non-ascended behavior of "sexualized women's fashion (women wearing less and tighter clothing than men)" to not be allowed.
Some Areas of City Follow Ascended Laws​
- in some areas of cities to be more strict (more ascended) so people who follow stricter (ascended) laws have a place to live and work with each other and not with people who follow less strict (less ascended) laws of behavior. Currently, the laws are too intermediate, close to liberal, and not ascended enough.
* Promote the creation of cities and areas of cities:
Decreased Taxes for Ascended Businesses, People & Products
- Decreased taxes for businesses, people, and products that follow more ascended laws of behavior and increase taxes for people who follow more non-ascended laws of behavior, so that the more ascended the behavior, the less the taxes they pay.
Protection to PSYCHics from PSYCHiatry
- laws, so that PSYCHics and people going through PSYCHic or paranormal experiences cannot be arrested into PSYCHiatry or forcibly drugged with PSYCHiatric drugs. Being PSYCHic or PSYCHically aware is more ascended and a life skill.​
​Womens' Sexualized Fashion is Illegal
- laws for the non-ascended behavior of "sexualized women's fashion (women wearing less and tighter clothing than men)" to not be allowed.
More Ascended / Stricter Laws
- with stricter (more ascended) legal systems in all areas of law.
Some Areas of the City with Ascended / Stricter Laws
- laws in some areas of cities to be more strict (more ascended) so people who follow stricter (ascended) laws have a place to live and work with each other and not with people who follow less strict (less ascended) laws of behavior. Currently, the laws are too intermediate, close to liberal, and not ascended enough.
PSYCHiatric Businesses that Don't Harm PSYCHics​
* Promote the creation of PSYCHiatric Businesses with rules that PSYCHics and people going through PSYCHic or paranormal experiences cannot be arrested into PSYCHiatry or forcibly drugged with PSYCHiatric drugs. Being PSYCHic or PSYCHically aware is more ascended and a life skill.
Businesses with Rules Against Women's Sexualized Fashion
- have rules against "sexualized women's fashion (women wearing less and tighter clothing than men)"
Businesses with More Ascended / Stricter Codes of Behavior
- have stricter (more ascended) codes/rules for behavior than the government's laws because people stricter (ascended) with law/behavior need a place to go.
* Encourage people to demand that:
PSYCHics be Protected from PSYCHiatry
- PSYCHics and people going through PSYCHic or paranormal experiences cannot be arrested into PSYCHiatry or forcibly drugged with PSYCHiatric drugs. Being PSYCHic or PSYCHically aware is more ascended and a life skill.
Women's Sexualized Fashion Not Be Allowed
- non-ascended behavior of "sexualized women's fashion (women wearing less and tighter clothing than men)" not be allowed and to not wear "sexualized women's fashion" themselves.
Some Areas of Cities Having More Ascended / Stricter Laws
- some area their cities to have stricter laws than other areas, so as to have somewhere to go with more ascended laws.
Follow More Ascended / Stricter Laws Themselves
* Encourage people to follow stricter (more ascended) laws than their governments' laws and their religions' laws because the governments' laws are not fully ascended