This Political Party and Website were Created By: Melissa Kay Kinder

Political Party

"PSYCH-Based Ascension of the
GOVERNMENTS, Cities, Businesses, People, & Products"
This is a PSYCHology-Based Political Party.
Jails & Prisons
* Ascend Jail & Prison Facilities' Quality by
- hiring staff higher in life skills than there currently are​
- separating from religion
- provide more ascended recreation for the more ascended prisoners
- separating men from women staff and prisoners
- provide provide tv, computer, and internet for individualized recreation
- requiring staff (and possibly prisoners) to wear security cameras
- stopping forced PSYCHiatry & PSYCHiatric drugging
Not doing the above causes PSYCHological trauma, depression, and more...
* Life Skill / Socioeconomic Class Divide Staff and Prisoners by their:
- overall life skill / socioeconomically class
- past employment backgrounds
- city area type they used to live in
- political parties, or morality in general
- recreational life skills / class (current recreation provided is inhumane to give the middle or upper class people)
Not doing the above causes:
- PSYCHic harm (as human bodies are connected to each other and capitalism keeps people divided so there is less PSYCHic Harm)
- PSYCHological trauma, depression, and more...
* Have Prisoners go to Prisons in their Own Area
- Change the government policy of which area of a city or state that prisoners are sent so that prisoners are only be placed in prisons and jails in the same area where they worked and lived. This way, prisoners and staff will have more similar life skill / socioeconomic class.
Not doing so causes PSYCHic Harm (as human bodies are PSYCHically connected & people are divided in capitalism so as to minimize this) and PSYCHological trauma, depression, & more.
* Increase Number & Decrease Size of Jails & Prisons
- Increase the number of (and decrease the size of) prisons and jails, so that there is at least one in each area of the city. This way, prisoners will more likely be placed with prisoners of a similar life skill / socioeconomic class as they area they were already in.
And not doing so causes PSYCHic Harm (as human bodies are PSYCHically connected & people are divided in capitalism so as to minimize this) and PSYCHological trauma, depression, & more.
* Require Security Cameras
- Require that all staff (and possibly prisoners) wear body cameras for security and justice
- Require security cameras inside bedrooms
* Increased Taxes for Past Criminals
- Taxes should be higher for people who have been to jail or prison before. (Living life to not go to jail or prison is a life skill.)
* Require Prisoners to Work
- prisoners are required to work in jobs in prison closest to what they were doing when they were not in prison and closest to their most natural jobs
* Job with Housing or Stipend Given Upon Release
- Upon release, prisoners must be provided with a job combined with housing waiting for them, a decent enough stipend to re-enter work and housing, or free housing and resources until they re-enter work with housing, instead of being forced to go homeless and search for non-for-profits
Ascended & Life Skill Divided Jails & Prisons
* Promote the creation of cities with jails and prisons:
- of ascended quality
- in all areas of the city and so people will divided by the area of the city they came from
- life skill divided
Ascended & Life Skill Divided For-Profits​
* Promote the creation of more ascended for-profit jails and prisons which are:
-ascended and life skill divided inside
- in separate locations in different parts of the city for people from different parts of the city
Complain about Life Skill Issues
* Encourage prisoners or others to complain about jails and prisons:
- un-ascended, low life skilled, quality of staff, services, products, recreation, other prisoners around them compared to themselves
- lack of life skill, socioeconomic, division
- causing PSYCHic Harm (as human bodies are PSYCHically connected & people are divided in capitalism so as to minimize this) and PSYCHological trauma, depression, & more.
inside the jails and prisons compared to inside of capitalism.