This Political Party and Website were Created By: Melissa Kay Kinder

Political Party

"PSYCH-Based Ascension of the
GOVERNMENTS, Cities, Businesses, People, & Products"
This is a PSYCHology-Based Political Party.
Non-for-Profit Social Service Centers
Non-for-Profit Social Service Centers Include the following types of free or sliding scale places:
- unemployment centers
- recreation centers
- food banks & soup kitchens
- healthcare centers
- child care centers
- life counseling services
- legal services
- housing services
- fitness centers
- multi-purpose or all-purpose day centers
(with food & drinks, hygiene & showers, clothing, recreation, healthcare, I.D. assistance, employment assistance, legal services, computer use, etc...)
- more...
* Not ascending and dividing the non-for-profit social service centers by quality and life skills / socioeconomic class as at least they are found inside of capitalism causes:
- PSYCHic harm (as human bodies are connected to each other and capitalism keeps people divided so there is less PSYCHic Harm) to the clients and the non-clients in the areas surrounding the non-for-profit social service centers
- PSYCHological trauma, depression, etc...
Inspect Food & Drinks for Poison
* The government needs to inspect the food & drinks at all the non-for-profit life assistance organizations like food banks and homeless shelters for:
- PSYCHiatric drug additives, especially for anti-PSYCHotics. PSYCHiatric drugs such as anti-PSYCHotics give diseases and decrease life skills such as cognition, movement, and more.
- rat poison
- etc...
Create New Laws​
* The government needs to create the following laws for non-for-profit social service centers:
- only accept clients from their own area
- divide clients by their socioeconomic class
- life assist in more ascended / higher life skill ways, if the business is multi-purpose with case managers
- don't treat clients like they are PSYCHiatric patients by forcing PSYCHiatric evaluations of all clients or by hiring mostly PSYCHology degreed people as workers
- don't treat clients like they are un-ascended, low socioeconomic class, low-life skilled people only
Cities Without Destruction from These Centers
* Promote the creation of cities and areas of cities where non-for-profit social service centers don't destroy:
Value of the Surrounding Area
- the life skill level and value of the city and the area of the city they are in
The Clients Inside Them
- the middle & upper life skilled clients who enter them, both PSYCHically harm & PSYCHological trauma
The People Surrounding Them
- the middle & upper life skilled residents in the city area that they are in, both PSYCHically harm & PSYCHological trauma
* Promote the creation of non-for-profit social service centers that:
Not Religious
- are not religious
Life Skill Divided
- have life skill divided staff, clients, and services
No Sexually Harassing Women's Fashion
- have female staff wearing the same uniforms as men, so as not to sexually harass clients
Male-Female Separation
- that have male-female separation for the people who want it
Not PSYCHiatry or PSYCHology Based
- that don't have PSYCHiatry attached as a requirement or a recommendation
- that don't have just or mostly PSYCHology degreed and a PSYCHiatrist working there
Don't Treat Clients like Low-Life Skilled
- don't treat clients like they are all the lowest in life skilled class only for employment, recreation, training programs, etc...
- understand that the people entering come from all different life skill, socioeconomic and employment classes and not just the lowest life skilled, socioeconomic or employment class.
Clients from Area Only
- only accept people as clients who do or did before live, work, or study in the same area as their location.
Staff Matching Life Skills of Area
- have staff equal in life skills to the workers and clients in the for-profit businesses in the surrounding area
​New Unemployment Centers
* Promote the creation of non-for-profit unemployment centers that:
Don't Treat Clients like Lowest Employment Only
- don't treat all clients like they are entering the work force for the first time in their lives and are the lowest in life skills and employment
Advertise Jobs for All Employment Fields
- advertise employment on job boards, in newspapers, etc... for all life skill and employment classes and not for just the lowest in life skills and employment class
Educational Opportunities for All Employment Fields
- offer educational opportunities or educational listings for all life skill classes and employment fields instead of only for the lowest in life skill employment fields
Employment Training for All Employment Fields
- offer employment training in all life skill classes and employment classes and not just for only the lowest in life skill jobs
Divide Clients by Employment Fields
- life skill divide the clients by their life skills and employment class inside the center
Are for Ascended Clients
- for ascended in life skills and employment clients
​New Food Banks & Soup Kitchens
* Promote the creation of non-for-profit food banks and soup kitchens that:
Divide Clients by Nutrition Level
- divide clients by their nutrition life skill level, serving them different food in healthiness
Don't Poison Clients
- don't put anti-PSYCHotic and PSYCHiatric drugs in the food, decreasing the health and life skills of people
​New Childcare Centers
* Promote the creation of non-for-profit childcare centers that:
- have more ascended staff
- have more ascended toys than just toys that resemble only the lower employment fields
​New Healthcare Centers
* Promote the creation of non-for-profit healthcare centers that:
- for homeless only
- for applying for SSDI only
- with more ascended staff
- don't force PSYCHiatry
- understand the PSYCHic realm
​New Counseling Centers
* Promote the creation of non-for-profit life education / counseling services that:
- more ascended counseling
- more ascended staff
- no forced PSYCHiatric drugs
​New Fitness Centers
* Promote the creation of non-for-profit fitness centers that:
- have more ascended fitness like parkour and martial arts instead of ball sports and weightlifting
- more ascended staff
​New Multi- & All- Purpose Centers
* Promote the creation of non-for-profit multi-purpose or all-purpose day centers (clothing, computer use, hygiene, healthcare, recreation, fitness, job & job training ad boards, job training, etc...) that:
Ascended & Life Skill Divided Recreation
- have recreational activities and materials for all life skill levels and employment classes and not just for the lowest, as current places are
Advertisement & Training for All Employment Fields
- have employment ads & training for all life skill levels and employment classes, and not just for the lowest as current places are
Provide More Ascended Women's Clothing
- provide clothing to the women that is more ascended and not too sexualized and immoral, as too many of the non-for-profit centers only provide clothing to women that is overly sexualized, immoral, and not enough equal to men's clothing. Currently, women who like to wear practical, non-sexually harassing clothing don't get provided with appropriate clothing to wear.
More Ascended Staff
- have staff more ascended in life skills and past employment
For More Ascended Clients
- are for clients more ascended in life skills and past and future employment
Increase Life Skills in Life Assistance of Others
* Encourage people to increase their life skills in life assistance by life assisting others (including when they volunteer in non-for-profit social service centers but not always in these):
- in every aspect of life
- in their own current or past employment fields
- who have the same or similar life skills as their co-workers, housemates, neighbors, friends, family, etc...